Custom page with record update

I've added a custom page to my app the page name is 'resources/views/filament/pages/ confirm-quote.blade.php the content is the same of welcome.blade.php + i've added @livewire('confirm-quote') and @livewire('notifications') then i have created a livewire component app/livewire/ConfirmQuote.php


namespace App\Livewire;

use App\Models\Repair;
use Filament\Forms\Concerns\InteractsWithForms;
use Filament\Forms\Contracts\HasForms;
use Illuminate\Contracts\View\View;
use Livewire\Component;
use Filament\Notifications\Notification;

class ConfirmQuote extends Component implements HasForms
use InteractsWithForms;
public function acceptQuote($id, $tracking): void
$repair = Repair::where('id', $id)
->where('tracking_code', $tracking)

'quote_accepted' => now(),

->title('Quote Accepted')
->body('Your quote has been accepted on '.$repair->quote_accepted->format('d/m/Y'))

// $this->redirectRoute('livewire.confirm-quote');


public function render(): View
return view('livewire.confirm-quote');


namespace App\Livewire;

use App\Models\Repair;
use Filament\Forms\Concerns\InteractsWithForms;
use Filament\Forms\Contracts\HasForms;
use Illuminate\Contracts\View\View;
use Livewire\Component;
use Filament\Notifications\Notification;

class ConfirmQuote extends Component implements HasForms
use InteractsWithForms;
public function acceptQuote($id, $tracking): void
$repair = Repair::where('id', $id)
->where('tracking_code', $tracking)

'quote_accepted' => now(),

->title('Quote Accepted')
->body('Your quote has been accepted on '.$repair->quote_accepted->format('d/m/Y'))

// $this->redirectRoute('livewire.confirm-quote');


public function render(): View
return view('livewire.confirm-quote');
the confirm-quote.blade.php is a button
<button wire.loading.attr="disabled" wire:click="acceptQuote({{ request()->route('id') }}, '{{ request()->route('tracking') }}')" class="flex items-center">
<button wire.loading.attr="disabled" wire:click="acceptQuote({{ request()->route('id') }}, '{{ request()->route('tracking') }}')" class="flex items-center">
everything works,the db is correctly updated, notification appears but are without style and still on the page forever it's my first custom page and 99% i'm doing something wrong
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