mfad14mo ago

How to clean good leather shoes?

Hi, I wore my Paraboot Michaels on a night out and they ended up getting some drinks spilt on them. They’re a bit sticky in places now and was wondering how to go about cleaning this off? I think the leather is waxed so not sure if it’s fine to just wipe with a wet cloth or similar? Can post pictures if that helps just lmk. Thanks in advance!
7 Replies
jarmul2214mo ago
Wipe with wet cloth / use a little dawn dish soap. Saphir renomat (carefully) if something’s really awful, but I’ve never felt it needed tbh. If you’ve got something like oil, you can put some cornstarch on it and it’ll draw out a little bit. Then just brush with a horsehair brush until any stains even out a bit
LeisurelyLoafing14mo ago
Save the Reno for caked on polish. A damp rag and a round of renovatuer should be plenty. If they doesn’t work saddle soap is a last resort. Dawn will work (I use it on sneakers all the time) but I’d be a bit hesitant to use it on greasy leathers as it may strip too much of the oils.
awburkey14mo ago
Shoe Care Without Being a Nerd
Inspired by How to Love Cast Iron Without Being a Nerd About It by Internet Shaquille . Shoe care can seem really daunting and difficult. You’ve heard all about this “Goodyear Welt” thing and finally sent it and spent more on a pair of shoes than you thought was humanly possible. They’re supposed to last, but what do you need to do to get the be...
lordofthethighs.14mo ago
Saddle soap is always a great first step (unless suede, rough out, or nubuck). Get the white saddle soap, and so it like rose anvil on youtube. Wait a day for them to dry, follow up with conditioner
iamkorndogOP14mo ago
Thanks everyone for the suggestions. Just realised I had my discord notifications turned off. Maybe I should’ve specified that they are the nubuck Paraboots, would all of the other recommendations still hold for this leather? Thanks, this guide is perfect. Do you think the Bick 4 recommended will be fine for the waxed nubuck of the paraboots?
jarmul2214mo ago
Bick is like the best conditioner ever, for any leather, 100% of the time. I have never encountered a leather that experienced anything detrimental from Bick 4 (Made right next to my home town!)
awburkey14mo ago
I used it on my nubuck once and it does burnish it a bit. I think you can get away w/o really conditioning hardly ever tbh

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