Is Network now paid?
I have always received a 100% discount for the network, but on this last invoice, it shows $300? Will the discount still be applied, or does it no longer exist?
22 Replies
Project ID:
on November 14th 2023 you would have been sent this email
I didn't see... omg
have you migrated your databases?
No... I have a reverse proxy service to hide my original service...
okay well that a whole other can of worms, but for now, let's talk databases.
do you have any legacy databases still?
do you have any databases?
okay thanks, now that's talk about that proxy
are you proxying traffic through the private network?
No, these will be external clients who will be using it
doesn't quite answer the question, but that's okay, can you explain your setup to me?
I have a service running elsewhere, and this proxy handles the communication of users with that service
So, there is indeed a high consumption. I believe there's not much that can be done..
the problem is that the cost is starting to become impractical for me now
elsewhere, like off of railway?
then yeah there's not much can be done
I'll have to terminate the service on RailApp. How much time do I have to pay this invoice?
the grace period should be 3 days before your service is taken offline
Alright, thank you
no problem!