GCP -> R2 egress

I am interested in migrating TBs of data from GCS to R2. I was wondering how Bandwidth Alliance affects that? It seems like it is mostly for when Cloudflare is used as a CDN, but not sure how it works if I am just directly transfering the data to an R2 bucket. Would there be a discount on the egress?
4 Replies
Erisa14mo ago
The discounting is ultimately controlled by GCP as per https://cloud.google.com/network-connectivity/docs/cdn-interconnect but yes, R2's endpoint is still just a Cloudflare CDN IP so its as eligible as any other traffic You can likely confirm this yourself by sending a small amount of traffic and then checking your GCP billing usage once its counted, it should show as CDN Interconnect bandwidth
nliuOP14mo ago
Got it. Can do the small test to confirm I saw there is also a differentiation for regional traffic. If I was to send from asia to a bucket that had an automatic location, I should probably set it to APAC then?
Erisa14mo ago
Cloudflare IPs are anycast so we'll ingress the data from GCP in the closest colo and transmit it internally, so if you uploaded to e.g. a APAC bucket from NA location in GCP they'd charge you the NA rate
nliuOP14mo ago
Thank you for the help!

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