open-modal not working?

Is anyone seeing this? I have a previously working modal that is now not opening: $this->dispatch('open-modal', id: 'statement-mapping'); the livewire component included in the page: <livewire:components.statements.statement-mapping :statement="$statement" /> and this is the component:
<x-filament::modal id="statement-mapping" width="6xl">
<x-slot name="trigger">
<x-filament::icon-button size="lg" color="secondary" icon="heroicon-o-map-pin" tooltip="Statement header mapping" :disabled="!empty($statement->statement_reconciled_at)" />
...other stuff
<x-filament::modal id="statement-mapping" width="6xl">
<x-slot name="trigger">
<x-filament::icon-button size="lg" color="secondary" icon="heroicon-o-map-pin" tooltip="Statement header mapping" :disabled="!empty($statement->statement_reconciled_at)" />
...other stuff
This used to work and now all of a sudden it isn't. Am I doing something wrong?
2 Replies
LeandroFerreira14mo ago
console errors?
Jon Mason
Jon MasonOP14mo ago
no console errors 😦

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