hi how do i remove this when its down that appears but how do i remove it?

40 Replies
That's not a Cloudflare error page, you should contact your hosting provider for assistance
it is
taking out cloudflare does it
It is not a Cloudflare page. That it appears only when Cloudflare is involved does not mean that is a Cloudflare page, it means that something in your Cloudflare settings is causing the host to respond with that page. You can check things like your SSL/TLS settings (e.g. if set to Flexible, maybe setting to Full strict will help?) or if there are any Rules or similar on your Cloudflare configuration.
ok lemme show you
btw it used to be a app tho

A Cloudflare App?
yes but i had removed it

thats ssl/tls btw
Okay that's important context, what was the App called?
idk.... it was a maintainance one
:/ stupid apps
@Alf can you try creating a Page Rule or Configuration Rule (try both if you can) covering the hostname(s) and enable the "Disable Apps" setting?
It sounds like you may have removed an App but then it wasn't fully removed and is still lingering somewhere, this is the quickest way to test that theory and also try to forcibly disable it from running
If its not working then feel free to send screenshots of the rules you made so I can check if theyre fine
done let me check
does it take a bit?

it must have configured something idk if it could be something here but id doubt it right

especially this

That should be unrelated
it tries to connect to cloudflare zazaz or whatever

Yeah you have Zaraz enabled so that gets injected into every page
how to disable

Its not related to your issue
The page itself is served by "Edgy" which if I remember right was a Cloudflare App

You definitely have none there if you go to Apps?
maybe idk
omg it was actually there im so stupid holy frick
now i have a diff question
how do i disable that page and make it like just not respond'

Delete the DNS record?
no like if its down how do i make it so like it just simply does not respond

its up
uh how do i remove that
You can't really
That error will always happen if you route to a Tunnel which is down
If you have a Pro zone or higher, you can set a custom page. But you can't remove it and just respond with nothing, you have to respond with some kind of HTML page