Hydration mismatch + SSR rendering order + Pinia reacitvity

Hello! I met a problem with nuxt rendering order and pinia reactivity on server side. 1) Computed property in component which defined above the <NuxtPage> in the layout computes earlier that setup in page component. 2) Component's computed property use pinia store state inside. In setup one of the pinia store state mutates. Expected: Component computed property recomputes and use modified pinia state Reality: Computed property computes only ones on the server and server render NOT modified state. It goes to the client, hydrate, and only after that re-render with the new state and cause hydration mismatch. Reproduction: https://stackblitz.com/edit/nuxt-starter-cbptfh?file=package.json
Yaroslav Yudinskikh
Nuxt - Pinia SSR reactivity - StackBlitz
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4 Replies
manniL14mo ago
@Yaroslav Yudinskikh I think https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt/issues/19258 might hlep you
Simple page hydration problem · Issue #19258 · nuxt/nuxt
Environment Operating System: Windows_NT Node Version: v18.14.1 Nuxt Version: 3.2.2 Nitro Version: 2.2.3 Package Manager: [email protected] Builder: vite User Config: - Runtime Modules: - Build Modules: - ...
Yaroslav Yudinskikh
Yaroslav YudinskikhOP14mo ago
Seems it is. Thank you
leofreedy.12mo ago
Is this working? Should we change the state of the pin at the level before the components? That would be the same thing as prop...
Yaroslav Yudinskikh
Yaroslav YudinskikhOP11mo ago
We had pinia state comsumers components at a layout level while mutation appers on page level, we fixed it using <NuxtLayout name> and definePageMeta({ layout: false }) on a pages

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