How do you define one-to-one relations in the same table?

export const listings = pgTable(
id: text('id')
.$defaultFn(() => sql`gen_random_uuid()::text`)
physicalListingId: text('physicalListingId'),
(table) => ({
listingPhysicalListingIdFkey: foreignKey({
columns: [table.physicalListingId],
foreignColumns: [],
name: 'Listing_physicalListingId_fkey'
.onDelete('set null'),
physicalListingIdKey: uniqueIndex('Listing_physicalListingId_key').on(table.physicalListingId),
export const listings = pgTable(
id: text('id')
.$defaultFn(() => sql`gen_random_uuid()::text`)
physicalListingId: text('physicalListingId'),
(table) => ({
listingPhysicalListingIdFkey: foreignKey({
columns: [table.physicalListingId],
foreignColumns: [],
name: 'Listing_physicalListingId_fkey'
.onDelete('set null'),
physicalListingIdKey: uniqueIndex('Listing_physicalListingId_key').on(table.physicalListingId),
export const listingRelations = relations(listings, ({ many, one }) => ({
digitalListing: one(listings),
physicalListing: one(listings, {
fields: [listings.physicalListingId],
references: []
export const listingRelations = relations(listings, ({ many, one }) => ({
digitalListing: one(listings),
physicalListing: one(listings, {
fields: [listings.physicalListingId],
references: []
How would you define a relationName here if there is no field for the id of the digitalListing (this schema was working in prisma world) basically i have a table of listings, and one can be linked to another the problem is that if i want to define a relationName in the config for digitalListing, it expects fields and references
9 Replies
jakeleventhalOP14mo ago
In prisma, it is defined like so:
/// The digital listing associated with the listing.
digitalListing Listing? @relation(name: "digitalListing")

/// The physical listing associated with the digital listing.
physicalListing Listing? @relation(fields: [physicalListingId], references: [id], name: "digitalListing")
/// The id of the physical listing associated with the digital listing.
physicalListingId String? @unique
/// The digital listing associated with the listing.
digitalListing Listing? @relation(name: "digitalListing")

/// The physical listing associated with the digital listing.
physicalListing Listing? @relation(fields: [physicalListingId], references: [id], name: "digitalListing")
/// The id of the physical listing associated with the digital listing.
physicalListingId String? @unique
Myydraal14mo ago
do you have a table for digital listings? it doesn't make sense for a table to reference themselves as the point of a reference is to provide a joining point between two tables. I am not sure what you were doing in prisma did anything either? I think what you want is either a new field - so a table that has digitalListing, physicalListing as the two fields in a row, as it seems like you may always want that relationship - Otherwise, you want two tables - a physical listing table and digital listing table, each with relavent fields, and then each referencing the other by their unique id If you just want one table - you don't need to define a relationship at all - the fact they are in the same row is the 'relation' by itself. relations are only meant for joining two tables
jakeleventhalOP14mo ago
the goal that i am trying to accomplish is that i can link digital listings to physical listings. both are in the Listing table. the only distinction between the two types is a boolean, Listing.isDigital in the database, im trying to create the association of linking digital listings to physical listings. the point of this is so that if i want to fetch a digital listing, i can easily also fetch the corresponding physical listing by just doing with: { physicalListing: true } or vice versa
Angelelz14mo ago
I can't say I've seen this pattern before. A one-to-one self relation So how would you like to link a lising to a digitalListing? I don't think this is a one-to-one self relation though. The way it is defined, doesn't prevent a physicalListing to have more that one listings Meaning more than one listing can have the same physicalListing. So the way this is defined, it's a one-to-many self relation Is that what you want?
jakeleventhalOP14mo ago
well it should be one-to-one because of the unique constriant on physicalListingId
Angelelz14mo ago
Ok, I just didn't see it there Usually one-to-one relations share the primary key to ensure uniqueness This seems like a constrained one-to-many relation In any case, Why don't you just define the digitalListing the same way you defined the physical one? With a foreign key
jakeleventhalOP14mo ago
i suppose that could work as well. so when i make the connection, just make sure assign both foreign keys
Angelelz14mo ago
I'm curious how did that work before. How did you connect the listing to a digitalListing? Or was it itself?
jakeleventhalOP14mo ago
a digital listing and a physical listing were each separate rows in the database

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