Writing something to the power of?
I'm unsure if I phrased this correctly, but I have to write something to the power of 2.5 and I'm unsure of how to write it in visual studio. Sorry if this is a bit of a basic question, but I'm grateful for any help!
The whole math equation is part of a BMI calculator so i have to write "1.3*weight(kg)/height(m)^2.5".
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So would I write it like 1.3*(weight)/(height)Math.Pow(2.5)?
"X to the power of Y" will be
Math.Pow(X, Y)
Note the comma separating the two parameters
Math.Pow(base, exponent)
Oh! I see, thank you!
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For example, for 2^2.5, with .NET 7 or later, you have the flexibility to employ either
float.Pow(2, 2.5f)
or double.Pow(2, 2.5)
, depending on the precision required. In case you're working with earlier versions, utilize MathF.Pow(2, 2.5f)
or Math.Pow(2, 2.5)