Filamentβ€’6mo ago

User not linked to tenant > redirect to new tenant page

So the question if pretty straighforward, after a new user has registered in my Filament panel he/she is not yet linked to a tenant (if they are invited this is already arranged,but not every user is invited of course). The problem is I need to redirect a user that isn't linked to a tenant to go to (in my case) "clinic/new". I think the code should be something like this:
user is logged in but not linked to a tenant, redirect to register clinic page
if (!Filament::getTenant() && $request->url <> url('/clinic/new')) {
return redirect('/clinic/new');
user is logged in but not linked to a tenant, redirect to register clinic page
if (!Filament::getTenant() && $request->url <> url('/clinic/new')) {
return redirect('/clinic/new');
But where do I put this code? Stupid question probably but I cant figure it out. I tried a middleware but that doesn't seem to work, I suspect an 404 error is given earlier in the chain. Anybody any tips? btw: I use Shield with spatie permissions Teams for authentication.
Ok fixed it, the policy of my tenant (the create) you have to make an exception for new users. Now everything works. πŸ₯²
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3 Replies
Sjoerd24β€’6mo ago
I now tried user model (but from bools you can't do a redirect I found out :P) And I tried the middleware again, because I think that should be then best but it doesn't seem to excecute. I think the 404 is occuring because the user is not linked to any tenant. How can I intercept before that point and do a redirect? Strange thing is that i now remember that in the beginning this was already working, but I think after spatie team/shield it stopped working. Is it a permissions problem? If i log in as a new user and go to clinic/new that is accessible (just a standard register tenant page made with the docs) Reading everything again probably my question is unclear, to put it simpler: how can I forward new users to the TenantRegistration page? Where is the best place to do this?
Sjoerd24β€’6mo ago
Ok for someone reading this later, I found the problem (not yet a fix), this code is responsible for the auto redirect:
protected function redirectToTenantRegistration(Panel $panel): RedirectResponse
if (! ($panel->hasTenantRegistration() && filament()->getTenantRegistrationPage()::canView())) {

return redirect($panel->getTenantRegistrationUrl());
protected function redirectToTenantRegistration(Panel $panel): RedirectResponse
if (! ($panel->hasTenantRegistration() && filament()->getTenantRegistrationPage()::canView())) {

return redirect($panel->getTenantRegistrationUrl());
Problem with me is that new user don't yet have a role, because with spatie permissions Teams the roles are linked to a clinic (tenant). If i make a role with clinic_id = 0 then you can access the tenant registration, but the redirect is still not working.. But now I know better what the problem is. PHPdebugbar show that the following gates are refusing (see image) . Now I have to find way to fix that issue πŸ™‚
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Sjoerd24β€’6mo ago
Ok fixed it, the policy of my tenant (the create) you have to make an exception for new users. Now everything works. πŸ₯²