help deployment
i cant login after deploy to vps no show error and validation to
login ui a little bit different password field show an password
16 Replies

Did you allow the user to login in production? There is a function for this, I think in the user resource. I am π² so try if this helps. It is documented on the Filament site
what i should change env or other setting for production ?
i can sign now but speed very slow performance
@jepewsykes how do you solve this problem? I have the same problem, namely not being able to log in after deploying, can you share how you solved this?
add filament user in your auth model bro
i solved this
i have done this, it's still the same, it doesn't work... can you show me what your auth model looks like?

same bro
try using == not ===
I'm confused because on localhost it runs smoothly, by the way the database I use on the server and localhost is the same (remote database)
I actually got the token from the login, but for some reason I still can't log in

its error forbidden bro ?
unexpectedly this worked, its make me confused because on localhost it run smoothly π iam in to the dashboard, but get another error when i acces menu, error like this