Database notification slowing down the app performance

I've observed a performance issue while utilizing the database notification feature. When dealing with a substantial number of notifications, approximately 1,000, the application tends to slow down and become unresponsive. is there any way to handle it by adding pagination or any other approach
7 Replies
awcodes14mo ago
Is the app slowing down or just the app for the logged in user. There’s very little you can do if a user has 1,000 unread notifications. Still shouldn’t be much of a problem though.
technocratOP14mo ago
Yes for that perticular logged in user. Is there any way to add pagination in notification
awcodes14mo ago
I don’t think so. I could be wrong though.
technocratOP14mo ago
okay thanks, any other approach?
awcodes14mo ago
Possibly a cron job that marks all unreads to read if they are older than a specified time. Thus limiting the returned results. My gut is telling me though that something isn’t setup right in your app though. But I could be wrong.
binaryfire14mo ago
Is the performance issue only happening when you click the notifications icon and the slideout opens? If so, it might be the same underlying cause as this: Livewire struggles when displaying lots of records at once because of how it renders them. I suggest opening a GitHub issue - perhaps it can be improved by using a Load More button or something 🤷‍♂️
Large tables performance · Issue #9304 · filamentphp/filament
Package filament/filament Package Version V3+ Laravel Version N/A Livewire Version No response PHP Version PHP 8.2+ Problem description When using bigger tables and using the table size of 25+ for ...
technocratOP14mo ago
Yup after login all the pages get freezed, After clearing all notification the app is running at blazing fast, actually this issue is arised in my production. I recreated this issue by adding this piece of code in command $user = User::find(1); if (!$user) { $this->error('User with ID 1 not found.'); return; } for ($i = 0; $i < 1000; $i++) { $user->notify( Notification::make() ->title('Saved successfully') ->toDatabase(), ); } after this my local app gets freezed, Hence i concluded that the main culprit is this notification Thanks man, i will prefer the cron job

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