mfad14mo ago

What’s wrong with this jacket fit?

I think I’m going to sell this jacket but I can’t seem to figure out why it looks so weird on me. I suspect it’s too long and has too much room in the waist. I’ve also added some other fits in other jackets that I think look better. They’re obviously posed a bit but still.
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14 Replies
chase_vv14mo ago
idk much about tailoring but the shoulders look more structured compared to the other jackets
awburkeyOP14mo ago
That’s definitely one difference. The shoulders feel fine in terms of fit but maybe that is throwing off the silhouette too much
chase_vv14mo ago
they fit fine just the look higher up compared to the other jackets. almost like you're shrugging a bit
awburkeyOP14mo ago
Oh yeah maybe the wrong shoulder slope and the structure
Bigelow14mo ago
I actually don't think it's too long - Derek has an article that says proper jacket length is when the hem ends halfway between the top of the jacket and the floor, and it looks like this one pretty much nails that
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awburkeyOP14mo ago
Huh thanks for the measurement! The camera is set a little low but not by enough to make that much of a difference
Bigelow14mo ago
it does look like the buttoning point is higher on this jacket which causes a bit of a sharper angle outwards from the button, in combination with the large lapel. That plus the padded structured shoulder vs the more relaxed shoulders of your other jackets might be throwing you off a bit (although these angles are definitely influenced by perspective of the pic and buttoned vs unbuttoned)
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Bigelow14mo ago
I do think it's a pretty good looking jacket and you could make it work, just a different silhouette than what you're used to
awburkeyOP14mo ago
I hadn’t noticed that! I’m not even super unhappy with the “fit” in the first picture. It just gives me a super boxy silhouette compared to my usual fits and I’m not sure what to do with that ig. Like never have my hips and stomach seemed so large
Yeah I’m going to agree with super wide lapels+high buttoning point not working. The lapels almost reach your sleeves, and they’re not buttoned low enough to balance out some of that weight
narwhal14mo ago
I don't own any clothing that fits me properly, but to my eye it does appear long on you and the pattern and where the pockets hit you give the impression of hippiness Definitely agree about structured shoulders and big lapels, not inherently bad but they seem a little distracting here fortunately for you you're so damn handsome it doesn't matter anyway
schraiber14mo ago
It has a bit of a long vibe because of how much it goes down past your hands, but as @GSH pointed out the overall look comes together. Tbh I like it, it's got a lot of character. The lapels are cool too
eisen14mo ago
I agree, it seems slightly long and maybe a bit loose in the stomach but it still looks good. Also I think it would look better with something like a white shirt underneath instead of the sweater. it's a cool jacket though
JoshMVP14mo ago
Definitely not too long.

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