Need help calling the functions correctly
i have to call all the functions in the correct way
for my project
33 Replies
This is, like, the 5th time you're making this thread
this is the project for context
its about something different each time
i dont know why u keep bugging me
i dont have time for that i have to deliver this in 1hr and have no idea how to do this
At least would be nice if you learned to give some details
This thread is equivalent to "can't make dish, here recipe, tomato"
i just send a whole pdf
showing the order i need it in
And zero of your own code
well i can send it
its just alot alot
so no ones gonna read that
can i send a ss
of what it looks like rn
so on the right u see the xlasses

and in the main theres a bunch of functions too
And I can see two errors, about the use of
where you shouldn't be using it
So... fix that
If a parameter of a method is not declared as a ref
parameter, you cannot pass values with ref
eitheryes thats this

Judging by errors like "the method needs a parameter but you're calling it without any parameters" I'd say you should focus on learning the very basics of C#, and object-oriented programming in the first place, before even attempting a project like that
There's only so much we can do here, I'm afraid
But removing those
keywords would be a startyeah im happy for u ur a better coder then me
i was asking
for the order it has to be
and i send a file to see if u can check i
and maybe tell me
pretty easier said then done
I can't read whatever language the PDF is in, so no idea
But it seems like the structure of the program is neatly described, with a proper graph even
So the starting point is taking that graph and turning it into classes
im asking cuz i dont get it
ive done basically everything
i just want it in the mainnoz
The graph is extremely clear, actually, that I look at it
Like, take

From the graph alone, you know exactly how your classes should look

Everything is super clear
And the table below, I assume, tells you what the
// code
should do
And the usage, well, since those are not static methods, also seems simpleso just call them in the order they sent
from 2.1
to the end
As I said, I can't read this language
But also... there is no set order
You call them in the order that's needed
If the menu selection is "use item" you need to do whatever is needed to use that item
I can't tell you "first make a pokemon, then call this, then call that, then take the result and call something else"
yeah okay
i just dont know myself
i have no idea
Well, just think of what you need at any given point
To use a damage item you need that item, the pokemon who uses it, and the pokemon it will be used on
Then you can call
item.DoDamage(poke1, poke2)
if this is time critical then it's in your best interest to provide as much information as possible to help us help you
but either way, putting this off until the last minute doesn't make it an emergency for anyone else
you also won't find anyone to just do it for you
not a last minute thing
i just finished creating all the functions
>i dont have time for that i have to deliver this in 1hr
yes because without all the functions
i cant use the main
why is everyone here just being rude
like if ur not gonna help just fuckoff
i been working on this for 3 weeks plus
i didnt start 3 days ago
i just suck at coding and am asking for advice
lower ur egos goddam
The problem is, nobody here seems to have any clue what you actually want.
What specifically is your question/problem? A giant (dutch?) pdf with your assignment doesn't help.
why is everyone here just being rudeAssess the help you’ve gotten and the information you’ve provided, they’ve all done their best to be helpful and it’s rude on your part to think otherwise
The only one being rude here is you.
You provide no context every god damned time you open a new thread (about the same issue!). You seem to think everyone here knows you and your problem (obviously not true) and that they speak fluent dutch. You seem to think this place is dedicated to helping you on your terms.
How help works on this discord is that the person asking for help asks a specific, well defined question with as much context as usual. This almost always involves code, a description of what they think the problem is, what they are trying to achieve and what they have tried up to this point.
You can assume people answering know C#, but they don't have any information about your specific problem unless you provide it
We also have absolutely no incentive what so ever to help you meet a deadline. We have no interest in solving this for you, we are here to help you learn how to solve it yourself. That will take time, time you don't seem to have.