Communication with internal service failed without `http`
HI, I am trying internal service using Grpc communication but the private network communication can be through http only(based on the documentation not on TCP communication. Is there any way to workaround private communication
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The private network exists in the context of a project and environment...
35 Replies
the private network works with http, tcp, and udp
that documentation does only talk about using it with http though
when I try to make grpc call(image 1) it say host not found but I have set the host (image 2)
both image are from two different service
are you deploying with a dockerfile?
ok, container lookup fails
okay side bar, aren't you trying to make a grpc call to the service that is making the call?
ok, I understand you confusion
I have mess up public domain naming little bit not with internal service
here I have update the public domain
yeah that makes much more sense now
okay send your dockerfile please
head up, it might be little confusing, I am using two build(it is hobby project) one is based go and rust
enclose it in triple backticks so it's formatted as a code block please
I was going to ask about something like that
are the groku and timex services in the same project?
it just naming but yes groku is the api layer(golang) which communicate as REST api and timex is private service
but both services exist within the same railway project?
my initial idea was to use K8s, but i have drop as I realize it just for demo purpose so no need for k8s
basically need to figuour how to communicate with external tcp connect inside docker container
can i see a screenshot of your project please
you are asking for source code or just railway project screenshot
second option
where is the timex service?
those arent the same projects
im curious as to why you said yes to this question?
both are deployed in railway right?
may be context got bit messed up it but fine
The private network exists in the context of a project and environment
so yeah, those two services need to be in the same project
oh!, now I believe where the problem is
in a project where can multiple service but currently I have create two different project where I am trying to make integration.
no worries, you where close, just had to read the rest of the docs page
let me check again
i mean ive already shown you what you needed to read
do you know what you need to do to fix it?
I have to create two service inside same project