Question Regarding Beginner Projects

Backstory: Depending on who's reading this you might recall me saying I had an opportunity to head to the Snapchat HQ and I've been learning HTML/CSS for a few months (still not that best) but I decided to create a portfolio to show them my skills and possibly get an internship with them so I can continue learning and have more help. Real Question: What sort of beginner HTML/CSS projects do you guys recommend me create? I've been told to avoid anything using an API for now, I've watched some videos and people would recommend a login page clone without much backend.
16 Replies
vince15mo ago
Most people probably have API projects on their portftolio for an internship like that; you'll need to learn JS
ROP15mo ago
Alright so guess that's off the table
vince15mo ago
I'd still apply but why not learn at the same time?
ROP15mo ago
I have amount a month to learn not only that Im still not really that good with HTML/CSS It's not even me really applying it's just the fact I have an oppertunity to attend their HQ thru a fieldtrip my schools hosting (im a senior) so to have an ok porfolio with ok projects would have been nice to at least show myself
vince15mo ago
Yea definitely still do it
ROP15mo ago
So what owuld you suggest? Also, I was checking out your website 10/10 man
vince15mo ago
thanks! you mean for a project? I guess if you want to test your html/css just start making random website clones of sites you like. make sure it's mobile responsive and performant too that will also teach you some js too
ROP15mo ago
Honestly the main issue I have right now is making things nice and responsive You have any tips or anything like that overall for Html/Css? The main Issue I run into is I'll try to make a website copy but since I don't know HTML/CSS we'll it wont really be much backend to redirect users and things like that it's mainly more front-end
vince15mo ago
Watch Kevin's videos on responsiveness, things like flexbox and grid. Don't focus on the actual login / redirect functionalities for now. but focus on cloning websites and implementing the cool hover states / styling changes
ROP15mo ago
So pretty much make the website mainly Front-End and less backend
vince15mo ago
No backend, you don't even know javascript yet. Focus on what the user can see first and then work on the functionality. This will help you understand how websites work from the get-go a bit better in my opinion. Though I did go from backend to frontend very early on and I turned out ok
ROP15mo ago
I getchu, thank you for the advice. Hey Vince, I have a question so Im creating my own portfolio as we speak ( Im going to star working on the page section for projects what would be a good design in your opinion? I've seen a few but they seem complicated it would have a laptop/phone with the img of the projects inside
vince15mo ago
that's done with image editing programs like photoshop in most cases but design is a whole other field so probably just better if you get a design from the internet
clevermissfox15mo ago
if you have a month, instead of trying to limp your way through, learning by making mistakes (which is very valuable and i DO recommend but if you have a hard-time limit), I would recommend immersing yourself in all things coding. Watch Kevins video on responsiveness and flex/grid (and any other videos that call out to you regarding html/css). Put yourself into courses that give you designs and teach you how to make them responsive like
Kevin Powell
Kevin Powell
Do you want to learn how to make some kick-ass websites? Between teaching in a physical classroom, my YouTube channel, and the premium courses available here, I teach people how to make the web, and how to make it look good while they are at it.
HTML and CSS course: Intro to HTML and CSS
Learn to build your very first web pages with this four hour course on HTML and CSS. Created by Kevin Powell, one of the most popular HTML & CSS instructors on the web.
CSS Grid Tutorial - Learn CSS Grid for free | Scrimba
This tutorial teaches you CSS Grid through 14 interactive screencasts. You'll learn all the key concepts while building three awesome layouts: a website, an image grid, and an article. Plus, you'll learn how to combine CSS Grid with Flexbox.
clevermissfox15mo ago
HTML and CSS course: Learn HTML and CSS for free
This course will teach you HTML and CSS through building and deploying five awesome projects. It is also fully interactive, with over 75 coding challenges. There are no prerequisites, so it is suitable for absolute beginners.
HTML and CSS course: Intro to HTML and CSS
Learn to build your very first web pages with this four hour course on HTML and CSS. Created by Kevin Powell, one of the most popular HTML & CSS instructors on the web.
Kevin Powell
Kevin Powell
Do you want to learn how to make some kick-ass websites? Between teaching in a physical classroom, my YouTube channel, and the premium courses available here, I teach people how to make the web, and how to make it look good while they are at it.
HTML & CSS Full Course - Beginner to Pro
Certificates are now available! 🎓 Enroll to get a Certificate of Completion and an elevated learning experience (breakdown into smaller videos covering specific topics, ad-free content, and progress tracking). ✅ Don't worry if you're halfway through the course or finished the course, you can skip ...
Learn HTML & CSS – Full Course for Beginners
Learn HTML and CSS from scratch by building 6 projects and solving 80+ coding challenges. Go here for the interactive browser-version: ⭐️ Code ⭐️ 🔗 Interactive version: 🔗 GitHub repo: ✏️ This course was created by Per Harald...
ROP15mo ago
Sorry for the late response to this, I haven't really been as active but I'll definetly try this the more I learn the better

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