Using Spate Translatable and getting error
When i'm editing in filament where have translatable i'm getting this error Call to a member function getOriginal() on int and i don't know why
12 Replies
share the code that produces the error if possible please (Link to view code)
SetLocale is for main page not the administration, In kernel.php Se...
SetLocale is for main page not the administration, In kernel.php SetLocale middleware is in 'web' , Page.php is model, Problem is getting error when editing Page in filament, (Crea...

it happens in the table or form view?
Form view, In edit when try to save
Did you add the translatable trait in the pages?
Spatie Translatable by Filament - Filament
Filament support for Spatie's Laravel Translatable package.
Database table for pages and page_tag

$translatable = [...,'category']
?Category is not translatable, and when i add nothing change
hum, I don't know. I haven't used this plugin
What is the filament version? 3.?.?
Maybe you can share a minimal repo on the Github to reproduce this issue

I solve it. Problem was in this line in form 'slug' ->unique(Page::class, 'slug', fn($record) => $record ? $record->id : null) (Solution was disable 'slug' in edit)