PG::DiskFull: ERROR: could not resize shared memory segment
After migrating legacy DB I received this error on my app:
"PG::DiskFull: ERROR: could not resize shared memory segment "/PostgreSQL.4082225368" to 8388608 bytes: No space left on device"
It didn't happen inmediatly, hours later so it could be just some glitch but I wanted to bring this to attention and see if I should be considering something.
I checked the DBs volume and we are using 1Gb of the 5Gb available.
project ID: bd0ee04e-9a92-4db9-869c-760973cc109c
7 Replies
Project ID:
I think it makes a bunch of temp data while migrating 🤔
or so I've heard from a different thread a while back
but that would show up on the metrics
very weird..
according to metricts we are ok.
Was it only a one-time thing?
I'll monitor to see if it happends frequently.
Sounds good
just a couple of request in a small timeframe