Filamentβ€’14mo ago

Implement Pending Approval Page For Newly Signed up Users

Hi guys, I have been working diligently on the implementation of a feature that will display a pending approval page whenever a new user signs up and then notify the admin of a newly signed up user. The aim is to enhance the onboarding process and introduce an approval step before users are allowed access to the dashboard. As you might've guessed, I have two panels readily configured: one for the admin user and the other for the regular user. I've gone through the docs in search of a clue that'll help with this, but unfortunately, couldn't find one that helps. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: To achieve this, I've added a "user_approved_at" column in the Users table which is false by default. The idea is to set it to true once an admin approves the new user... and until a user is approved would he gain access to the user's dashboard. This will be some sort of middleware actively checking if the user attempting to login has his "user_approved_at" set to true, if not, he keeps getting an unauthorized message saying that "Your request is currently being reviewed by the administrators. Kindly keep an eye on your email". CHALLENGE: I'm struggling with how to achieve the "Pending approval" page after user registration without redirecting them to the dashboard automatically. Please help.
16 Replies
atomOPβ€’14mo ago
Any help with this please???
Dennis Koch
Dennis Kochβ€’14mo ago
You should add a Middleware that always redirects them to a page of your choice when they aren't approved.
atomOPβ€’14mo ago
Yes, I've tried that. This is what my middleware "CheckedApprovedUser" looks like public function handle(Request $request, Closure $next): Response { if (Auth::user() && Auth::user()->user_approved_at) { return $next($request); } return redirect()->route('/pending-approval'); } However, I'm getting a "Route [/pending-approval] not defined.". But when I manually navigate to "localhost:8000/pending-approval", it renders my view. My view is located in the resources/views/pending-approval.blade.php
krekasβ€’14mo ago
you are redirecting to a route by name
atomOPβ€’14mo ago
krekasβ€’14mo ago
but your routes name isn't like that
atomOPβ€’14mo ago
Kindly make me understand better, Please
krekasβ€’14mo ago
learn laravel basics please your have your route in the routes/web.php right?
atomOPβ€’14mo ago
krekasβ€’14mo ago
show it
atomOPβ€’14mo ago
Route::get('/pending-approval', [PendingApprovalController::class, 'index'])->name('pending-approval');
krekasβ€’14mo ago
so it has a name now check what name you gave in the middleware are they 100% the same?
atomOPβ€’14mo ago
Oh! I think I understand now! I missed such a tiny detail. Thanks for helping me see that.
Dennis Koch
Dennis Kochβ€’14mo ago
No need to tell people "to learn Laravel basics" when it might just be a typo πŸ˜‰ @atom I guess this is solved then? You realized that you mixed route path and route name?
atomOPβ€’14mo ago
Oh, no offense taken at all! ...and yes! It definitely helped. Thank you.
keenmindedβ€’14mo ago
@atom One thing I would recommend, for consistency with all other middleware and to ease your pains in debugging in the future, is always to keep the line return $next($request) as last in your middleware. This is the line that ties your middleware to the next one on the list, and as such, it is a good idea to keep it unchanged at the end of the handle method. Then, you would reverse your if statement to check for the absence of permissions. Also, for consistency and readability, change the attribute to a method. This way, you can easily replace or extend the logic in your model rather than hunt down all references to user_approved_at. It also reads better, but that's more of a personal preference than a convention. So, I would rewrite your middleware like so:
public function handle(Request $request, Closure $next): Response
abort_if(! Auth::user(), 403)

if (Auth::user()->isNotYetApproved()) {
return redirect()->route('pending-approval');

return $next($request);
public function handle(Request $request, Closure $next): Response
abort_if(! Auth::user(), 403)

if (Auth::user()->isNotYetApproved()) {
return redirect()->route('pending-approval');

return $next($request);
These small changes and consistency in the overall code base will make you, or anyone else working on your code, appreciate your efforts in the long run when you have to debug or test something. I hope this helps, and best of luck in your programming voyages.

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