Railwayβ€’9mo ago

Deploying Faktory server in Railway

Hi there! I have a service that deploys the Docker image for Faktory (https://hub.docker.com/r/contribsys/faktory). Faktory is a background job system that listens on port 7419 for job commands and 7420 for the web UI (for monitoring jobs; if you're familiar with Sidekiq, it's practically identical). At the moment I have the service configured to listen over TCP on port 7419 so that I can send jobs to it. That's been working great, but I don't appear to be able to also listen on 7420 over HTTP to access the Web UI and monitor jobs. This does appear to be possible on Render for example: https://github.com/contribsys/faktory-render/blob/main/readme.md I've done a bit of searching on this here Discord for some information around this and my understanding on this is that Railway does not currently support http and tcp at the same time (though that may be on the roadmap but is not coming soon, per se). Just wondering if I have any option here or if anyone has experience deploying Faktory on Railway and can provide any tips? I'm a big fan of Railway and would love to continue using it but may be pulled over to Render if there is no option sadly. Thanks for anything you can provide!
faktory-render/readme.md at main Β· contribsys/faktory-render
How to deploy Faktory to Render.com. Contribute to contribsys/faktory-render development by creating an account on GitHub.
@brad - i got a bit side tracked, but here you are, a ready to deploy faktory template, with a web ui! - https://railway.app/template/Hh00T5 let me know if i messed anything up, or if its missing any needed/nice to have service variables!...
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18 Replies
Percyβ€’9mo ago
Project ID: fa1e6900-1875-45ce-a875-d750794021df
bradβ€’9mo ago
Brodyβ€’9mo ago
you could reverse proxy the http port out through another service so it could be accessed externally
bradβ€’9mo ago
ah, clever! I can give that a shot
Brodyβ€’9mo ago
this should get you 95% of the way there https://railway.app/template/7uDSyj make sure to deploy this into your pre-existing project, and use the private network as shown in the overview
bradβ€’9mo ago
that looks great, thanks so much!
Brodyβ€’9mo ago
no problem, and this looks like it could make a good template, what would a connection url for Faktory look like?
bradβ€’9mo ago
typically e.g. tcp://faktory.example.com:7419
Brodyβ€’9mo ago
and then what is used for auth? FAKTORY_PASSWORD? or is that just for the web ui
bradβ€’9mo ago
afaik FAKTORY_PASSWORD is for faktory server auth
Brodyβ€’9mo ago
does the web ui have auth too?
bradβ€’9mo ago
yes: https://github.com/contribsys/faktory/wiki/Security#web-ui
If Faktory is configured to use a password, the Web UI also enables HTTP Basic Auth with that same password. The username can be any value.
Brodyβ€’9mo ago
awsome, thank you
Brodyβ€’9mo ago
let me know if youve gotten further than me
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bradβ€’9mo ago
oh! no I believe you have gotten further than me πŸ˜„
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