503 Service Unavailable
I deployed application using python flask server in Railway and I am getting this error. here's my port & host configuration , here's the github repo https://github.com/sbkobaidze/rembg
25 Replies
Project ID:
are you able to make the repo public?
Yes wait a sec
Its public now
add this as a railway.json file to your project
Okay thanks ,just pushed
I deployed 1 project also, with same configuration and works properly without this json file
Is it necessary or in what situations is it required
then you are likely using a development server, that will cost much more, you always want to run flask with gunicorn as shown above
Okay thank you, so here server means the filename of the server right
yeah server.py and app is from
app = Flask(__name__)
in the server.pyok thanks
@Brody Sadly I am getting the same error
deploy logs please https://bookmarklets.up.railway.app/log-downloader/
This should be working,
you need to open the deployment
rembg package is 176mb , and I am on free plan
but it says that disk space is 1gb
show me your memory metrics please
yeah you are trying to use more memory than your plan allows for, 512mb. you would need to upgrade to hobby
Okay thanks, that's what I was thinking from the start π
it is both running a development server and running out of memory
Okay thanks again, you are super helpful
no problem π