Correct way of handling upserts in MySql

Hey folks! I am using MySql and cannot use onConflictDoUpdate. In leu of that I am wondering if this is a correct way of doing upserts
const updated = await db

// If no rows updated, create new row
if (updated[0].affectedRows === 0) {
await db.insert(...).values(...)
const updated = await db

// If no rows updated, create new row
if (updated[0].affectedRows === 0) {
await db.insert(...).values(...)
In my use case this record is going to be created once and then updated several times.
3 Replies
D1e14mo ago
Have just started using drizzle and my first take was this:
const result = await db
set: { ...input },

const updated = {
id: result[0].insertId || ( as number),
return updated;
const result = await db
set: { ...input },

const updated = {
id: result[0].insertId || ( as number),
return updated;
chronosOP14mo ago
Oh cool, I seemed to have missed onDuplicateKeyUpdate. Ill try that and see. Thanks! Thank you so much this works perfectly!
D1e14mo ago
Awesome:) It is a little bit oversimplified, but I guess as long as you do simple data update operations and validate your input schemas with something like zod, it should be fairly safe.

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