mfad14mo ago

Best places to sell clothes online or in person?

I've got a lot of "mid range" items (reigning champ, apc, carhartt wip, that kind of thing) that I'm looking to get rid of. I've only ever used grailed to sell clothes, but wondering if people had good experiences with other sites or even local consignment for this kind of non high end/hype stuff.
16 Replies
Smiles14mo ago
myloxydianOP14mo ago
Is the advantage of ebay that you can make more money or that stuff moves faster compared to clothes only sites? Just asking cus I've never actually used ebay to buy clothes lol
Sal14mo ago
Local consignment can be a good way to offload stuff quickly, depending on how they work. What you've got is definitely nice enough to sell at a Buffalo Exchange or 2nd St.
Smiles14mo ago
both? I'm pretty sure you'll have more success on eBay and they take a lower cut? At a minimum it will sell better on eBay compared to grailed grailed sucks
casey14mo ago
eBay is basically better in every way
Benji14mo ago
You can consign with luxeswap
AlteriosLegacy14mo ago
eBay is bomb. They take a lot of the work out of it for you
fauxhemian14mo ago
My local consignment shop has sold stuff I had sitting on Grailed for a while for more than I was asking for after all the drops. Much less stress again and don’t have to worry about scammers. It depends a lot on your location though
myloxydianOP14mo ago
For consignment, id appreciate if anyone can give recommendations for good places in sf or chicago 😁
okaylama14mo ago
grailed and depop are also options. grailed is likely better for the brands you're mentioning. depop is good for trendy items
mattw214mo ago
Vinted and maybe Depop if you're in the UK. Most other places eBay.
Carney14mo ago
I do most of my selling on eBay and mercari. If it's relatively expensive or something that gets faked I stick with eBay since they offer authentication
Sal14mo ago
There's one 2nd st in chicago and a couple in sf, I really think this is your best bet for getting rid of stuff without selling online
bancars6942014mo ago
Note about ebay tho, most items they take 13.5%; grailed only does 9% (and of course all the children on there whined about it on social media) Ebay is great though because you have SO many options. You can run an auction. auction + offers. buy it now + offer. Helps things move faster. I try not to waste my time posting anything that won't make at least $20-30. I used Grailed and ebay exclusively. Sometimes I'll post something on both. Usually the ebay listing sells first.
lordofthethighs.14mo ago
If the stuff at nomanwalksalone is your kind of style, they have an awesome program with luxeswap where they turn your consignment profit into store credit, but luxeswap takes a lower cut for it so you actually make out better.
myloxydianOP14mo ago
That’s a great shout, much appreciated

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