Email senderName in Resend integration doesn't work

It seems there is a bug with the integration of Resend for sending emails. I'm sending emails from multiple email adresses, all having different "from" and "senderName" It appears that whatever I put as "senderName" in the workflow integration (variable or hardcorded value) Resend ALWAYS gets my project name as sender name. This is unfortunate because when sending email from different email address, it shows the wrong email as sender. Can you please help me with that? Anything I'm doing wrong? Thanks a ton!
4 Replies
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain•14mo ago
Hi @Anthony Riera ( I am looking into this
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain•14mo ago
@Anthony Riera ( There is one small bug in our resend provider implementation it takes senderName from integration form only senderName is not taken from template variable or hardcoded value I have created a PR for fix
fix: add options in resend senderName by jainpawan21 · Pull Request...
What change does this PR introduce? Added options.senderName so that sendername from payload/overrides/template is used and in absence of all of three config one is used Why was this change needed...
Anthony Riera (
Thank you so much for your quick response on that, that's amazing! I spent quite some time trying everything thinking it was me 😅
Pawan Jain
Pawan Jain•13mo ago
@Anthony Riera ( This issue is now fixed with 0.23.0 release 🙂

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