Novu13mo ago

socket.io endpoint on reverse proxy?

I have novu running from the docker-compose file behind an nginx reverse proxy (redis and mongodb database are external cloud services). I am getting failed connection to websockets. My urls are: https://novu.our.website/api https://novu.our.website/web https://novu.our.website/ws I noticed that there is a call to a /socket.io/ endpoint so I added that to my nginx config (pictured). Now I send the token but get back an invalid namespace error. Can anyone help?
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15 Replies
k0zn4n3j4OP13mo ago
I've tried with caddy server as well and still failure issues - in any case the reverse proxy is forwarding correctly, there is just a failure at the application level to sync socket.io namespaces. Is this a problem on Novu's end with configuration? I have followed the instructions in the documentation exactly. I'm leaving this up for the next person, and also so that you can potentially add this to Novu's documentation. The solution is that you must proxy pass <websocket_url>/socket.io to localhost:<websocket_port>/socket.io. I also switched to subdomains rather than using relative paths but I'm not sure if that played a part in the solution. It depends on how the namespace is constructed. In any case I'm sure the team can work it out.
Novu_Bot13mo ago
@k0zn4n3j4, you just advanced to level 1!
harrisyn12mo ago
I just migrated my setup to a new server and set it up with Caddy, using relative paths as well and it is working fine. Let me know if you want to match configs for anyone else who stumbles upon this. This is my example caddyfile that works
# Global options block. Entirely optional, https is on by default
# Optional email key for lets encrypt, uncomment the below to set the email i.e. email [email protected]

(static) {
@static {
path *.ico *.css *.js *.gif *.jpg *.jpeg *.png *.svg *.woff *.woff2 *.json
header @static Cache-Control max-age=5184000

(security) {
header {
# enable HSTS
Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains; preload"
# disable clients from sniffing the media type
X-Content-Type-Options nosniff
# keep referrer data off of HTTP connections
Referrer-Policy no-referrer-when-downgrade

(404) {
handle_errors {
@404 {
expression {http.error.status_code} == 404
handle @404 {
respond * "Not found" 404

yourdomain.com {
reverse_proxy web:4200
@ws {
header Connection *Upgrade*
header Upgrade websocket
handle /api/* {
# CORS settings
header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *
header Access-Control-Allow-Methods 'GET, POST, PUT, DELETE'
header Access-Control-Allow-Headers 'Content-Type, Authorization'

# Proxy settings, strip /api prefix before proxying
reverse_proxy api:3000

reverse_proxy @ws ws:3002
reverse_proxy /widget widget:4500
# Global options block. Entirely optional, https is on by default
# Optional email key for lets encrypt, uncomment the below to set the email i.e. email [email protected]

(static) {
@static {
path *.ico *.css *.js *.gif *.jpg *.jpeg *.png *.svg *.woff *.woff2 *.json
header @static Cache-Control max-age=5184000

(security) {
header {
# enable HSTS
Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains; preload"
# disable clients from sniffing the media type
X-Content-Type-Options nosniff
# keep referrer data off of HTTP connections
Referrer-Policy no-referrer-when-downgrade

(404) {
handle_errors {
@404 {
expression {http.error.status_code} == 404
handle @404 {
respond * "Not found" 404

yourdomain.com {
reverse_proxy web:4200
@ws {
header Connection *Upgrade*
header Upgrade websocket
handle /api/* {
# CORS settings
header Access-Control-Allow-Origin *
header Access-Control-Allow-Methods 'GET, POST, PUT, DELETE'
header Access-Control-Allow-Headers 'Content-Type, Authorization'

# Proxy settings, strip /api prefix before proxying
reverse_proxy api:3000

reverse_proxy @ws ws:3002
reverse_proxy /widget widget:4500
this config works with running docker containers, replace api, widget, ws with the actual names of your containers or addresses if you aren't running using the docker-compose file. the Context paths in the env are configured as
# Context Paths
# Only needed for setups with reverse-proxies
# Context Paths
# Only needed for setups with reverse-proxies
@unicodeveloper @Emil might help to add this to the documentation
Prosper12mo ago
Please feel free to send a PR to the docs repo @harrisyn
Stephen12mo ago
This still doesn't work for reverse proxy with nginx. Both web and ws client is not working. I'm planning to raise a PR for reverse proxy setup after i finish my testing
harrisyn12mo ago
@Stephen this is for caddy, not nginx. I was previously using similar for nginx, so if you are interested I can dig that up as well.
Stephen12mo ago
Yes I understand but I tried to configure with nginx and ended up with namespace error as @k0zn4n3j4 mentioned. If you have done it can you please show the config if possible FYI for my requirement nginx serves as a reverse proxy and novu services reside in the path /novu. E.g api path is mydomain.com/novu/api ws path is mydomain.com/novu/ws
harrisyn12mo ago
are you running docker containers or a local install?
Stephen12mo ago
Docker containers through Docker compose
harrisyn12mo ago
harrisyn12mo ago
the attached is the base of my nginx
harrisyn12mo ago
my env context is same as above the "yourdomain.tld" is what you need to change I am curious, is there a specific reason you want to maintain /novu/* as your proxy paths? instead of using a subdomain?
Stephen12mo ago
Ok this is the same workaround that I have done currently. To make the websocket work I'm using /socket.io/ path in nginx. I do not see any specific reason to maintain /novu path. but we have some other app running at the root of the domain so our lead wants to use a different path . Anyways thanks @harrisyn Subdomain is also a good idea. But isn't it better to put all our services behind nginx as reverse proxy or load balancer. By this way we do not need subdomains ?
harrisyn12mo ago
either way works, I find it cleaner to simply create a subdomain and point to the same IP, then use nginx to proxy it to the needed service. if you created a novu.yourdomain.tld, you could simply replace the server_name placeholder and you will be good to go (asides making sure you have the right certs for it) You could also simply upd ate the location paths i.e. instead of / you do /novu/ etc. it should give the same result
JSP12mo ago
Thanks @harrisyn, for sharing the nginx file. One more thing to share if someone misses it that you also need to update the Root URLs in the env file to use direct paths instead of ports.
# Root URL
# Uncomment this one when deploying Novu in the local environment
# as Web app local Dockerfile will have to load this to be used.
# Deployment version doesn't need as we inject it with API_ROOT_URL value.
API_ROOT_URL=$HOST_NAME/api # updated
WIDGET_URL=$HOST_NAME/widget # updated
# Root URL
# Uncomment this one when deploying Novu in the local environment
# as Web app local Dockerfile will have to load this to be used.
# Deployment version doesn't need as we inject it with API_ROOT_URL value.
API_ROOT_URL=$HOST_NAME/api # updated
WIDGET_URL=$HOST_NAME/widget # updated

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