Railway9mo ago

Getting 413 Request Entity Too Largenginx/1.24.0

Hey guys so i have deployed my applications via github, which is laravel app, when i upload images which is only 1.1MB, it said that the request entity too large. How can i solve this? please send me any help since i'm new on deploying and stuff
place these two files into the root of your project
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44 Replies
MantisInABox9mo ago
This is an issue with the default nginx configuration. Your file exceeds the default client_max_body_size which can be configured through nginx. I am not 100% sure on how to adjust it within Railway, but adjusting this value would help significantly. Let me see if I can figure it out for you. This could also be an issue with the php configuration in the container... the php.ini you can change upload_max_filesize and post_max_size
wdytgn9mo ago
thanks for replying btw, how to configure the php.ini? i dont have any file named php.ini, should i create it instead? and pull it to my main branch?
Brody9mo ago
vin is working on a drop in solution, stay tuned
MantisInABox9mo ago
Then let me know if your upload works for you
wdytgn9mo ago
hey i just lost the solution that u sent me before, could u please resend it?
MantisInABox9mo ago
Brody deleted the message by accident, but could you place a file in the root of your project called nixpacks.toml then paste the following in EXACTLY as you see it. Then redeploy and try your upload
cmds = ['echo "upload_max_filesize=100M;" >> /nix/store/rzcijhxwxbld02mpvx288nf6bzv7ybhz-php-with-extensions-8.2.10/lib/php.ini', 'echo "post_max_size=100M;" >> /nix/store/rzcijhxwxbld02mpvx288nf6bzv7ybhz-php-with-extensions-8.2.10/lib/php.ini']
cmds = ['echo "upload_max_filesize=100M;" >> /nix/store/rzcijhxwxbld02mpvx288nf6bzv7ybhz-php-with-extensions-8.2.10/lib/php.ini', 'echo "post_max_size=100M;" >> /nix/store/rzcijhxwxbld02mpvx288nf6bzv7ybhz-php-with-extensions-8.2.10/lib/php.ini']
wdytgn9mo ago
okay lemme try it
Brody9mo ago
it wasn’t by accident 🤣
wdytgn9mo ago
you mean here right and then i got this


23 | # build phase

24 | COPY . /app/.

25 | >>> RUN composer install && php artisan optimize && php artisan storage:link && php artisan migrate --force --seed

26 |

27 |


ERROR: failed to solve: process "/bin/bash -ol pipefail -c composer install && php artisan optimize && php artisan storage:link && php artisan migrate --force --seed" did not complete successfully: exit code: 1

Error: Docker build failed


23 | # build phase

24 | COPY . /app/.

25 | >>> RUN composer install && php artisan optimize && php artisan storage:link && php artisan migrate --force --seed

26 |

27 |


ERROR: failed to solve: process "/bin/bash -ol pipefail -c composer install && php artisan optimize && php artisan storage:link && php artisan migrate --force --seed" did not complete successfully: exit code: 1

Error: Docker build failed
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MantisInABox9mo ago
Okay, you can remove it. Back to the drawing board for me
wdytgn9mo ago
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wdytgn9mo ago
MantisInABox9mo ago
Wait no. You didn't commit the file properly You need to copy everything I sent, exactly how I sent it including the [phases.setup]
wdytgn9mo ago
ah okayy wait sorry my bad bro
wdytgn9mo ago
still failed vin \
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