Filament7mo ago

Custom row classes border colour weirdness

I'm using custom row classes to style my tables. https://filamentphp.com/docs/3.x/tables/advanced#custom-row-classes
->recordClasses(fn (Model $record) => match ($record->type) {
'win' => 'border-s-8 border-green-900',
'draw' => 'border-s-8 border-blue-900',
'loss' => 'border-s-8 border-red-900',
default => null,
->recordClasses(fn (Model $record) => match ($record->type) {
'win' => 'border-s-8 border-green-900',
'draw' => 'border-s-8 border-blue-900',
'loss' => 'border-s-8 border-red-900',
default => null,
However the border colour only ever applies to the very top row of the table. I can alter the border thickness and this will apply to all I can add in a
to the CSS rows and this colour will apply to all rows. I'm stuck and can't figure out why the border colour is doing this?
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