Displaying an a folder with in a public folder
Guys I have images in the public storage folder but they are with in other sub directories but the images dont display in the table.How can I solve that issue?

1 Reply
If the images are on your server, and wherever you store the image paths and names (ie: db) contains the right path, then if those images aren't displaying correctly it means you've not specified the correct path or disk, or if you created a custom disk configuration its paths are wrong.
It's pretty clearly explained in the docs.
Filament just uses whatever you give it, and does what you tell it to do with it.
So, like every question: if we can't see your code, we can't really help you fix your problem.
Your problem is in one or more of: your Form component parameters, your output component parameters (table/infolist/whatever), and/or your disk configurations. Share your code.