Have domain. How to set/update content

Title says it all. I have free acct and want to setup a practice site before I start to build something useful on hmtown.com
7 Replies
Cyb3r-Jak315mo ago
You need to find a hosting provider for you content. If your site is static then you can look at using Cloudflare Pages for it
MikeKayeOP14mo ago
My site is CF hosted. I want to put some readable html into it - and do it based on being logged onto CF.
Cyb3r-Jak314mo ago
The only way to host content on Cloudflare is with Cloudflare pages for static sites which sounds like it will work for you.
MikeKayeOP14mo ago
I'm good with C/C++ and better with assembly for > 10 ISAs. I've written/maintained mainframe OS internals, written a bit of CPU-implementing microcode, written an RTOS for ARM Cortex-M series, and much more. But I'm missing some web basics-- What is / or how to get to CF terminal? I want to type "hmtown.com" (it's CF-hosted) into a browser and see stuff I have written. I know enough html to get started. My site will be read-only. But how do I get my html into hmtown.com?
Metriusz14mo ago
There is no "Cloudflare terminal" You can host static content using Cloudflare Pages You can upload your static content there And then set up your access from your domain
MikeKayeOP14mo ago
Deploy with Cloudflare Pages To deploy your site to Pages: Log in to the Cloudflare dashboard and select your account. In Account Home, select Workers & Pages > Create application > Pages > Connect to Git. BUT...I don't see "Create application". Any hints?
Chaika14mo ago
When you click on the Workers & Pages tab, you don't see "Create Application" in the top middle right? Here's a magic link: https://dash.cloudflare.com/?to=/:account/workers-and-pages/create/pages or https://dash.cloudflare.com/?to=/:account/pages/new/provider/github directly to new Github project

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