How to push to an array?

I have a text array column, not nullable, and am having trouble pushing to the array in PG
await db
textArrayField: sql`${table1.textArrayField} || 'someString`
.where(eq(, someId));
await db
textArrayField: sql`${table1.textArrayField} || 'someString`
.where(eq(, someId));
and i get a very unhelpful error:
TypeError: is not a function
31 Replies
Mykhailo14mo ago
Hello, @jakeleventhal! There are 2 options to push an element to array in pg:
await db
arrayField: sql`${table1.arrayField} || '{c}'`,
.where(eq(, someId));

// or

await db
arrayField: sql`array_append(${table1.arrayField}, 'd')`,
.where(eq(, someId));
await db
arrayField: sql`${table1.arrayField} || '{c}'`,
.where(eq(, someId));

// or

await db
arrayField: sql`array_append(${table1.arrayField}, 'd')`,
.where(eq(, someId));
jakeleventhalOP14mo ago
@solo i just tried both. both give me "TypeError: is not a function"
arrayField: text('arrayField')
.$default(() => [])
arrayField: text('arrayField')
.$default(() => [])
Mykhailo14mo ago
What driver do you use and can you share more code with your query? I just created new db, schema with your arrayField column, insert one row (arrayField by default is []) and then pushed an element using my code above, everything worked out. For this I used postgres-js driver.
jakeleventhalOP14mo ago
.findFirst({ where: sql`${}->>'etsyUserId' = 'etsy-id'` })
.findFirst({ where: sql`${}->>'etsyUserId' = 'etsy-id'` })
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'map') for jsonb
import { neonConfig } from '@neondatabase/serverless';
import { drizzle } from 'drizzle-orm/postgres-js';
import postgres from 'postgres';
import ws from 'ws';

import * as schema from './schema';

neonConfig.fetchConnectionCache = true;
neonConfig.webSocketConstructor = ws;

const drizzleClient = (datasourceUrl: string | undefined) => {
const connectionString =
datasourceUrl || (process.env.ECS ? process.env.DATABASE_DIRECT_URL : process.env.DATABASE_URL);

const client = () => drizzle(postgres(connectionString!), { schema });

if (!connectionString) {
return null as any as ReturnType<typeof client>;

return client();

declare global {
// eslint-disable-next-line vars-on-top, no-var
var localDrizzle: ReturnType<typeof drizzleClient>;

export const getDrizzleClient = (url?: string): ReturnType<typeof drizzleClient> => {
if (process.env.SERVER || url) {
return drizzleClient(url);

if (!global.localDrizzle) {
global.localDrizzle = drizzleClient(url);
return global.localDrizzle;

export const db = getDrizzleClient();
export * from './schema';
export * from 'drizzle-orm';
import { neonConfig } from '@neondatabase/serverless';
import { drizzle } from 'drizzle-orm/postgres-js';
import postgres from 'postgres';
import ws from 'ws';

import * as schema from './schema';

neonConfig.fetchConnectionCache = true;
neonConfig.webSocketConstructor = ws;

const drizzleClient = (datasourceUrl: string | undefined) => {
const connectionString =
datasourceUrl || (process.env.ECS ? process.env.DATABASE_DIRECT_URL : process.env.DATABASE_URL);

const client = () => drizzle(postgres(connectionString!), { schema });

if (!connectionString) {
return null as any as ReturnType<typeof client>;

return client();

declare global {
// eslint-disable-next-line vars-on-top, no-var
var localDrizzle: ReturnType<typeof drizzleClient>;

export const getDrizzleClient = (url?: string): ReturnType<typeof drizzleClient> => {
if (process.env.SERVER || url) {
return drizzleClient(url);

if (!global.localDrizzle) {
global.localDrizzle = drizzleClient(url);
return global.localDrizzle;

export const db = getDrizzleClient();
export * from './schema';
export * from 'drizzle-orm';
db.query.marketplaceIntegrations.findFirst({ where: sql${} = 'asdfasdf' }).toSQL() -> fails db.query.marketplaceIntegrations.findFirst({ where: eq(, 'asdfasdf' }).toSQL() -> works seems the issue is with the sql operator
Mykhailo14mo ago
For me both queries worked out, I used your code above, just with users table, where id has serial type
const result1 = db.query.users.findFirst({ where: eq(, 1) }).toSQL();
const result2 = db.query.users.findFirst({ where: sql`${} = 1` }).toSQL();

console.log('result1', result1);
console.log('result2', result2);
const result1 = db.query.users.findFirst({ where: eq(, 1) }).toSQL();
const result2 = db.query.users.findFirst({ where: sql`${} = 1` }).toSQL();

console.log('result1', result1);
console.log('result2', result2);
result1 {
sql: 'select "id", "name", "arrayField" from "usersTable" "users" where "users"."id" = $1 limit $2',
params: [ 1, 1 ],
typings: [ 'none' ]
result2 {
sql: 'select "id", "name", "arrayField" from "usersTable" "users" where "users"."id" = 1 limit $1',
params: [ 1 ]
result1 {
sql: 'select "id", "name", "arrayField" from "usersTable" "users" where "users"."id" = $1 limit $2',
params: [ 1, 1 ],
typings: [ 'none' ]
result2 {
sql: 'select "id", "name", "arrayField" from "usersTable" "users" where "users"."id" = 1 limit $1',
params: [ 1 ]
sorry, I am a bit confused. What is not working for you right now? Cause firstly we were speaking about pushing an element to array and now we are speaking about another query:)
jakeleventhalOP14mo ago
well, i am trying to narrow down the issue, but it seems the root issue is the sql operator not working properly because any query with the sql operator gives a similar error Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'map')
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'map')
at mapColumnsInSQLToAlias (webpack-internal:///../../../node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected]_@[email protected]_@[email protected][email protected]_pg@_qsji62spejhvnj6ejdenhavnei/node_modules/drizzle-orm/alias.js:106:78)
at PgDialect.buildRelationalQueryWithoutPK (webpack-internal:///../../../node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected]_@[email protected]_@[email protected][email protected]_pg@_qsji62spejhvnj6ejdenhavnei/node_modules/drizzle-orm/pg-core/dialect.js:888:95)
at QueryPromise._getQuery (webpack-internal:///../../../node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected]_@[email protected]_@[email protected][email protected]_pg@_qsji62spejhvnj6ejdenhavnei/node_modules/drizzle-orm/pg-core/query-builders/query.js:89:25)
at QueryPromise._toSQL (webpack-internal:///../../../node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected]_@[email protected]_@[email protected][email protected]_pg@_qsji62spejhvnj6ejdenhavnei/node_modules/drizzle-orm/pg-core/query-builders/query.js:104:24)
at QueryPromise.toSQL (webpack-internal:///../../../node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected]_@[email protected]_@[email protected][email protected]_pg@_qsji62spejhvnj6ejdenhavnei/node_modules/drizzle-orm/pg-core/query-builders/query.js:109:17)
at __WEBPACK_DEFAULT_EXPORT__.originIsSelf (webpack-internal:///(api)/./src/pages/api/app-data/get.ts:20:8)
at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
at async eval (webpack-internal:///(api)/../../../packages/riptech/utils/src/errors/client/clientErrorWrapper.ts:74:13)
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'map')
at mapColumnsInSQLToAlias (webpack-internal:///../../../node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected]_@[email protected]_@[email protected][email protected]_pg@_qsji62spejhvnj6ejdenhavnei/node_modules/drizzle-orm/alias.js:106:78)
at PgDialect.buildRelationalQueryWithoutPK (webpack-internal:///../../../node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected]_@[email protected]_@[email protected][email protected]_pg@_qsji62spejhvnj6ejdenhavnei/node_modules/drizzle-orm/pg-core/dialect.js:888:95)
at QueryPromise._getQuery (webpack-internal:///../../../node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected]_@[email protected]_@[email protected][email protected]_pg@_qsji62spejhvnj6ejdenhavnei/node_modules/drizzle-orm/pg-core/query-builders/query.js:89:25)
at QueryPromise._toSQL (webpack-internal:///../../../node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected]_@[email protected]_@[email protected][email protected]_pg@_qsji62spejhvnj6ejdenhavnei/node_modules/drizzle-orm/pg-core/query-builders/query.js:104:24)
at QueryPromise.toSQL (webpack-internal:///../../../node_modules/.pnpm/[email protected]_@[email protected]_@[email protected][email protected]_pg@_qsji62spejhvnj6ejdenhavnei/node_modules/drizzle-orm/pg-core/query-builders/query.js:109:17)
at __WEBPACK_DEFAULT_EXPORT__.originIsSelf (webpack-internal:///(api)/./src/pages/api/app-data/get.ts:20:8)
at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
at async eval (webpack-internal:///(api)/../../../packages/riptech/utils/src/errors/client/clientErrorWrapper.ts:74:13)
Mykhailo14mo ago
do you use backticks with sql operator? db.query.marketplaceIntegrations.findFirst({ where: sql${} = 'asdfasdf' }).toSQL() -> fails here for example there is no `` with sql operator.
jakeleventhalOP14mo ago
yes it got formatted strangely The root error is when i log query, i get this:
e {
values: [
PgCustomColumn {
name: 'data',
primary: false,
notNull: true,
default: undefined,
defaultFn: undefined,
hasDefault: false,
isUnique: false,
uniqueName: 'MarketplaceIntegration_data_unique',
uniqueType: undefined,
dataType: 'custom',
columnType: 'PgCustomColumn',
enumValues: undefined,
config: [Object],
table: [PgTable],
sqlName: 'jsonb',
mapTo: [Function: toDriver],
mapFrom: [Function: fromDriver]
strings: [ '', "->>'etsyUserId' = 'etsy-id'" ]
e {
values: [
PgCustomColumn {
name: 'data',
primary: false,
notNull: true,
default: undefined,
defaultFn: undefined,
hasDefault: false,
isUnique: false,
uniqueName: 'MarketplaceIntegration_data_unique',
uniqueType: undefined,
dataType: 'custom',
columnType: 'PgCustomColumn',
enumValues: undefined,
config: [Object],
table: [PgTable],
sqlName: 'jsonb',
mapTo: [Function: toDriver],
mapFrom: [Function: fromDriver]
strings: [ '', "->>'etsyUserId' = 'etsy-id'" ]
note that queryChunks is not a field on query, thus it fails on seems like a legitimate bug
Mykhailo14mo ago
I found probably related issue if you are using Next
jakeleventhalOP14mo ago
i am using next, but i also get this in an express node server
Mykhailo14mo ago
your code with my queries
import 'dotenv/config';
import { neonConfig } from '@neondatabase/serverless';
import { drizzle } from 'drizzle-orm/postgres-js';
import postgres from 'postgres';
import * as schema from '../drizzle/schema';
import ws from 'ws';
import { eq, sql } from 'drizzle-orm';

neonConfig.fetchConnectionCache = true;
neonConfig.webSocketConstructor = ws;

const drizzleClient = (datasourceUrl: string | undefined) => {
const connectionString =
datasourceUrl || (process.env.ECS ? process.env.DATABASE_DIRECT_URL : process.env.DATABASE_URL);

const client = () => drizzle(postgres(connectionString!), { schema });

if (!connectionString) {
return null as any as ReturnType<typeof client>;

return client();

declare global {
// eslint-disable-next-line vars-on-top, no-var
var localDrizzle: ReturnType<typeof drizzleClient>;

export const getDrizzleClient = (url?: string): ReturnType<typeof drizzleClient> => {
if (process.env.SERVER || url) {
return drizzleClient(url);

if (!global.localDrizzle) {
global.localDrizzle = drizzleClient(url);
return global.localDrizzle;

export const db = getDrizzleClient(process.env.NEON_DATABASE_URL!);

(async () => {
const result = await db.query.users.findFirst({
where: sql`${}->>'etsyUserId' = 'etsy-id'`,

const sqlResult = db.query.users
where: sql`${}->>'etsyUserId' = 'etsy-id'`,



export * from '../drizzle/schema';
export * from 'drizzle-orm';
import 'dotenv/config';
import { neonConfig } from '@neondatabase/serverless';
import { drizzle } from 'drizzle-orm/postgres-js';
import postgres from 'postgres';
import * as schema from '../drizzle/schema';
import ws from 'ws';
import { eq, sql } from 'drizzle-orm';

neonConfig.fetchConnectionCache = true;
neonConfig.webSocketConstructor = ws;

const drizzleClient = (datasourceUrl: string | undefined) => {
const connectionString =
datasourceUrl || (process.env.ECS ? process.env.DATABASE_DIRECT_URL : process.env.DATABASE_URL);

const client = () => drizzle(postgres(connectionString!), { schema });

if (!connectionString) {
return null as any as ReturnType<typeof client>;

return client();

declare global {
// eslint-disable-next-line vars-on-top, no-var
var localDrizzle: ReturnType<typeof drizzleClient>;

export const getDrizzleClient = (url?: string): ReturnType<typeof drizzleClient> => {
if (process.env.SERVER || url) {
return drizzleClient(url);

if (!global.localDrizzle) {
global.localDrizzle = drizzleClient(url);
return global.localDrizzle;

export const db = getDrizzleClient(process.env.NEON_DATABASE_URL!);

(async () => {
const result = await db.query.users.findFirst({
where: sql`${}->>'etsyUserId' = 'etsy-id'`,

const sqlResult = db.query.users
where: sql`${}->>'etsyUserId' = 'etsy-id'`,



export * from '../drizzle/schema';
export * from 'drizzle-orm';
id: 1,
name: 'test',
arrayField: [],
data: { etsyUserId: 'etsy-id' }
sql: `select "id", "name", "arrayField", "data" from "usersTable" "users" where "users"."data"->>'etsyUserId' = 'etsy-id' limit $1`,
params: [ 1 ]
id: 1,
name: 'test',
arrayField: [],
data: { etsyUserId: 'etsy-id' }
sql: `select "id", "name", "arrayField", "data" from "usersTable" "users" where "users"."data"->>'etsyUserId' = 'etsy-id' limit $1`,
params: [ 1 ]
@Angelelz could you please help to find out what is wrong?
Angelelz14mo ago
Sure, give me a couple minutes Let's start from the beginning, what is the query that you're trying to run? In SQL
jakeleventhalOP14mo ago
simplest repro is: "db.query.users.findFirst({ where: sql`${} = 'asdf'` }).toSQL()"
Angelelz14mo ago
What type of column is
jakeleventhalOP14mo ago
id: text('id')
.$defaultFn(() => sql`gen_random_uuid()::text`)
id: text('id')
.$defaultFn(() => sql`gen_random_uuid()::text`)
Angelelz14mo ago
So just a refular text column
jakeleventhalOP14mo ago
Angelelz14mo ago
And you're obviously using pg right? What driver?
jakeleventhalOP14mo ago
all shown here^
Angelelz14mo ago
Does it work with another driver?
jakeleventhalOP14mo ago
image: postgres:15.0
restart: always
- 5432:5432
- ./localDBData/localDB:/var/lib/postgresql/data
test: ['CMD-SHELL', 'pg_isready -U postgres']
interval: 1s
retries: 20
image: postgres:15.0
restart: always
- 5432:5432
- ./localDBData/localDB:/var/lib/postgresql/data
test: ['CMD-SHELL', 'pg_isready -U postgres']
interval: 1s
retries: 20
my docker image reproduced same issue with node-postgres
Angelelz14mo ago
Ok, so it seems like the problem is with the postgres driver? Alright one sec
jakeleventhalOP14mo ago
i linked to the relevant line of failure above
Angelelz14mo ago
You'll have to put together a reproduction repo
No description
No description
No description
Angelelz14mo ago
I can't reproduce
jakeleventhalOP14mo ago
will do ty for trying/looking
Angelelz14mo ago
Are you sure you're importing sql from drizzle-orm? I think postgres.js has an import with the same name I saw somebody a long time ago with a similar issue, and it was because of this
jakeleventhalOP14mo ago
No description
jakeleventhalOP14mo ago
ok holy smokes i figured it out
export * from '@prisma/client/appname'
export * from 'drizzle-orm';
export * from '@prisma/client/appname'
export * from 'drizzle-orm';
causes name conflict and prefers the prisma one
Angelelz14mo ago
Uff, that line hurts my eyes Why would you export * from drizzle?
jakeleventhalOP14mo ago
this made more sense to do in prisma since that is where all your generated types live. i was mirroring this pattern for drizzle. youre right that it actually doesnt make sense to do that with drizzle though

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