Filament Page and Livewire, problem with tailwind css

I create laravel project, installed filament and create one page. Next, I create a livewire component, and call in this filament page. The problem is on the div, not load class tailwind. ex: "bg-green-700". I forgot to configure anything?
15 Replies
awcodes15mo ago
Are you using panels? If so you’ll need to setup a custom theme to use colors that aren’t part of Filament’s style sheet.
PiahDoNeumannOP15mo ago
Yes. I installed panels. This is code: <x-filament-panels::page> <livewire:my-component/> </x-filament-panels::page> The livewire component: <div> <div class="bg-sky-700 px-4 py-2 text-xl hover:bg-sky-800 sm:px-8 sm:py-3 bg-black/25 border border-gray-200/25">My Components</div> </div>
PiahDoNeumannOP15mo ago
Do I need to configure panels on pages to use livewire with tailwind css?
awcodes15mo ago
The panel loads the theme.
PiahDoNeumannOP15mo ago
Command: php artisan make:filament-theme mytheme Result this: default Filament panel is set. You may do this with the default() method inside a Filament provider's panel() configuration.
awcodes15mo ago
So any pages under that panel will have the themes css. Did you run filament:install —panels after installing filament? Sounds like your panel provider is missing the ->default() modifier. Check app/Providers/Filament/AdminPanelProvider.php
PiahDoNeumannOP15mo ago
I execute the command "filament:install —panels" and replace the AdminPanelProvider. Generate new page. Default name of the panel is admin by default.
awcodes15mo ago
Right but at least one of your panels needs to have ->default() on it in the class.
PiahDoNeumannOP15mo ago
Right. I execute "php artisan make:filament-theme livewire" and return this: WARN Action is required to complete the theme setup: ⇂ First, add a new item to the input array of vite.config.js: resources/css/filament/admin/theme.css ⇂ Next, register the theme in the admin panel provider using ->viteTheme('resources/css/filament/admin/theme.css') ⇂ Finally, run npm run build to compile the theme not working. I need more configure? class="text-xl and border" working. class="bg-slate-700 or bg-sky-700" not working.
awcodes15mo ago
Yea. You need to do those things manually.
PiahDoNeumannOP15mo ago
But bg-slate-700 is from tailwind. Or I need to custom there?
awcodes15mo ago
It’s how tailwind works. If you want to use classes that aren’t in the filament css then you have to use a custom theme to run a build process. If you just want to change a default Filament color you can do so without a build by providing color overrides to the panel.
PiahDoNeumannOP15mo ago
In fact, I would like to use the ones on this page: Báh!!
Customizing Colors - Tailwind CSS
Customizing the default color palette for your project.
PiahDoNeumannOP15mo ago
Isn't it configured by default, for example something like bg-primary-500?

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