Suggested way to query equivalent to prisma's findUnique

In prisma, if I specify an index on 3 fields (say field1, field2, and field3), I am able to query on that unique combination and do something like so:
await prisma.someTable.findUnique({
where: {
field1_field2_field3: { // This type requires all 3 specified
field1: 'asdf',
field2: 'asdf',
field3: 'asdf'
await prisma.someTable.findUnique({
where: {
field1_field2_field3: { // This type requires all 3 specified
field1: 'asdf',
field2: 'asdf',
field3: 'asdf'
Is there anything analogous in drizzle? The only workaround I see online is to just create a new field to represent the index, but that seems very hacky.
4 Replies
jakeleventhalOP15mo ago
I believe this may just be a missing feature. There should be some way to have a findUnique function that is essentially a copy of findFirst except with different type defs for the where clause based on where the unique indexes are defined.
jakeleventhalOP15mo ago
Found the most relevant issue and posted a comment since most people were being a bit unclear in the comments:
[FEATURE]: Add findUnique to relational queries · Issue #742 · driz...
Describe what you want Hello 👋, Relational queries are pushing the DX of Drizzle closer than Prisma, I love it! In order to close the gap, it would be great to have findUnique implemented. It's...
Angelelz15mo ago
There is still no feature parity between Prisma and drizzle yet. I personally don't have any idea what that API is doing for you under the hood? Is it just filtering by those 3 fields? Is it looking at your actual indexes making sure is unique? Does it throw and error if more that one is received back? Does it add a limit 1 to the query? I would suggest to find out what is it that you need from findUnique exactly, in terms of SQL queries, and go from there.
jakeleventhalOP15mo ago
i will clarify in a comment in the GH thread added very detailed comment with type interface + examples

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