undo schema migration!

I recently started using turso and drizzle, I sometimes make schema mistakes, such as "'SQLite error: Cannot add a NOT NULL column with default value NULL'", I generate the schema, with npm run generate, but when I run npm run migrate I get the error. is there a way to delete the last file that drizzle generates when I run, npm run generate? My current solution is going into my migration's folder and deleting the last generated files, any advice or recommendations are greatly appreciated!
3 Replies
Angelelz15mo ago
Yes, there is drop command. Please don't manually delete from the migrations folder
Angelelz15mo ago
Drizzle ORM - next gen TypeScript ORM
Drizzle ORM is a lightweight and performant TypeScript ORM with developer experience in mind.
nadim7128OP15mo ago
@Angelelz Thank you!

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