Enable lines on side navigation like attached screenshot
I have seen a couple of demos of Filament PHP plugins that has this nice lines connecting the items on the navigation. Any idea how to enable this?

9 Replies
set the navigation icon to null
Is that somewhere documented b/c I was also looking for it in the doc's and couldn't find it
can't seem to find the configuration on the PanelProvider
it's not on the panel, it's on the Resource or NavigationItem
protected static ?string $navigationIcon = null
removing that on all the group items adds the lines. Thank you
It may not be in the docs.
I submitted a PR. Is this the right way to document it? https://github.com/filamentphp/filament/pull/10616
Explain how to join vertical nav items with a bar by drbyte · Pull ...
I didn't see this addressed elsewhere in the docs.
Is this the best spot for it? I suppose it could go in the Navigation Groups area.
I'm just not sure where people will "look for"...
Seems reasonable to me. Thanks.