Resource sub-navigation in a modal
Hello everyone, is it possible to use Resource sub-navigation in a modal?
10 Replies
Hello everyone, can someone help me? I was thinking of eventually using the Wizard mode, but I don't understand if in different steps, different tables can be used. For example: step 1, the editions table; step 2, the calendars table associated with editions through edition_id; step 3, the registrations table associated with editions through edition_id. Thank you very much.
@Dennis Koch @Dan Harrin
Do you have any suggestions for me?
Do you have any suggestions for me?
neergreen. has been warned, this is their first warning.
Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude or intrusive. 🥺
In editing, the calendar rows are displayed correctly... but if I try to save, I get this error: Call to a member function calendars() on null
@NeerGreeN Give a little more context. Tell us the business case and problem you’re trying to solve. Based on what I’ve read, you probably need to create a custom page to do what you described but I’m not sure. What else can you tell us?
I am creating software for course management. On the course details page, I have created a section for editions. In the modal for adding/editing an edition, I need to input data that is saved in the editions table. Then, I need to be able to create dates for when the course takes place (calendars table). Additionally, I must register attendees for the edition (registrations table).
![No description](
![No description](
Furthermore, for each row in the calendar, I need to be able to record attendance...
In step 2, the calendar rows (manually created) are loaded correctly, but I don't understand why, when I try to save, I get this error: Call to a member function calendars() on null.