Dynamic orderBy

I would like to dynamically add ordering to my select().from()... (I'm getting ordering criteria from frontend as a pair of column name and direction) Is there something similar as getTableColumns to get typed colums so I could find desired column by its name to use in orderBy() method?
1 Reply
copypaper12mo ago
Hey I know this is late, but here's my solution that's working. I'm grabbing the column name off the search params
import { desc, asc } from "drizzle-orm";
import { type PgColumn, type PgSelect } from "drizzle-orm/pg-core";

type ColumnMap = Record<string, PgColumn>;

export function withParam<T extends PgSelect>(
qb: T,
p: string,
colMap: ColumnMap,
) {
const direction = p.startsWith("-") ? "desc" : "asc";
// Remove the "-" from the column name.
p = p.replace("-", "");
const col = colMap[p];
// If the column is not found, return the query builder as is.
if (!col) {
return qb;
if (direction === "desc") {
return qb.orderBy(desc(col));
return qb.orderBy(asc(col));
import { desc, asc } from "drizzle-orm";
import { type PgColumn, type PgSelect } from "drizzle-orm/pg-core";

type ColumnMap = Record<string, PgColumn>;

export function withParam<T extends PgSelect>(
qb: T,
p: string,
colMap: ColumnMap,
) {
const direction = p.startsWith("-") ? "desc" : "asc";
// Remove the "-" from the column name.
p = p.replace("-", "");
const col = colMap[p];
// If the column is not found, return the query builder as is.
if (!col) {
return qb;
if (direction === "desc") {
return qb.orderBy(desc(col));
return qb.orderBy(asc(col));
* @param qb Query builder. Must have $dynamic method.
* @param p a string that represents the column name. If it starts with a "-" it will sort in descending order. Otherwise, it will sort in ascending order.
* @param colMap A map of column names to column objects. Should be a record of string to PgColumn from your schema.
* @returns
* Example usage:
* const query = db.select().from(users).$dynamic;
* const sort = "-lastFirst"
* const columnMap: ColumnMap = {
* lastFirst: users.lastFirst, // users is a table from your schema.
* firstLast: users.firstLast,
* }
* function query = withParam(query, sort, columnMap);
* // query will order by users.lastFirst in descending order.
* @param qb Query builder. Must have $dynamic method.
* @param p a string that represents the column name. If it starts with a "-" it will sort in descending order. Otherwise, it will sort in ascending order.
* @param colMap A map of column names to column objects. Should be a record of string to PgColumn from your schema.
* @returns
* Example usage:
* const query = db.select().from(users).$dynamic;
* const sort = "-lastFirst"
* const columnMap: ColumnMap = {
* lastFirst: users.lastFirst, // users is a table from your schema.
* firstLast: users.firstLast,
* }
* function query = withParam(query, sort, columnMap);
* // query will order by users.lastFirst in descending order.
jsdoc was formatting wierd with discord, but that sshould explain it hopefully

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