Punishment system, and freeze system exclusive to Storm Anti-Cheat, and more.
/storm mute <player> <duration> <reason>. it can be temporary, and permanent, for example the permanent one don't have to put in the time, and only the player, and reason.
/storm freeze <player>. You can customize the message, in what it says it chat after the specific player is freezed as a message will say in the actionbar, or in the chat or the main screen, or by default it says in chat: You have been freezed by staff. or something else.
Add something additional info in the /storm player command in the information being the player's ping, or having its own command /storm ping <player> so you don't have to do /storm player all the time.
/storm warn <player> <reason>, when the player is warned this can be recorded in the additional command like /storm history <player> which shows the punishment history of that specific player, it can be a gui or said in chat, or logged in a file.
Storm Anti-Cheat web hook integration, able to customize the messages. logs, the ACs recent punishments, or detected cheats, and staff that used the ban, kick, warn and mute commands, and show additional info: the staff's username, and the player that got banned, mutted, or kicked also the reason of their punishment. this is to prevent abuse of powers.
/storm mod, which is mod mode, in this mode the player that has this permission they are like in vanish, they can't be seen in the tablist, or in-game completely, and can clip through blocks, and can still interact with the whole server, but not as loud if that make sense, aka can open containers without any animations of them opening, or sounds of them opening. this would be useful for staff to moderate players. also, they have a item in their inventory for them to tp towards the suspected player faster, or move around faster than flying, it cannot be taken out, or dropped although make it so you can move the item around.
Add AirPlace check, so players can't just place blocks mid-air using hacked clients.
17 Replies
did i say too much? just reached the message limit of the post, i would like to add more, but it would be saying too much.
I don't know, I personally consider a mute and a freeze command unnecessary and the like, it should remain an anticheat and not even half a litebans. But thanks for the suggestion, @Kod3ra can try adding more things
Yep, I will try add it
In wave maybe!
You want me to spoil the commands of the plugin ???
alright, i am a bit curious
But yeah it is only for now so I will add things
like /Wave history
the color theme fits
I think I will do now the /wave history
No, not /wave history but /wave top
Will show top players with most vl's
Like how much Vls they stack?
Idk, but I will do it another time... Now I moved to scaffold check
but there is the Logs
so basically it is the same
exemple of logs file