Kod3ra - Development


Kod3ra - Development

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SecurityX: Cannot enter the server after installing the plugin

When I install the SecurityX plugin on the server, we can't enter the server.
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Saturn how to solve this pls.

So pratically when i putted the anticheat i tried to enter and said to every player that tried, connection reset, and sum connections error, never happened before, and a dev said it was a packetevent error. [13:54:07 INFO]: [packetevents] O.O.O.O.O.K.N: Failed to map the Packet ID 12 to a PacketType constant. Bound: CLIENT, Connection state: CONFIGURATION, Server version: 1.21 [13:54:07 INFO]: [packetevents] O.O.O.O.O.K.N: Failed to map the Packet ID 12 to a PacketType constant. Bound: CLIENT, Connection state: CONFIGURATION, Server version: 1.21 [13:54:07 INFO]: [packetevents] Disconnected null due to invalid packet!...

SecurityX : Non-existing update ???

First, this plugin is really cool ! It fix most crash exploit issues that plugins costing 20-30$ do, with api for anti vpn features and anti bot one.
But I'm getting a weird issue with a non existing update. (I'm using the last 0.7 version from spigot that I download 5 day ago)...
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Hello, we installed and configured the Wave plugin, but we are getting errors and warnings in the console, also to test the anticheats, I installed an autoclicker at 50 fps and the anticheats did nothing, also sometimes this appears in the chat (image attached) if you need the config.yml let me know and I will send it.
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[Saturn Anticheat]

Hi, is Saturn compatible with velocity by any chance? Or is there some way to set the global alerts mode? Because on builtbybit I saw that it is also compatible with velocity

False Flag Butterfly

Im Butterflying and got flagged for Velocity (B) and sometimes for autoclicker
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Timer false on teleport

If the server has setbacks enabled and the player gets setback (or teleported by the server in general) multiple times within a short period, the player will start spam flagging timer, this is because the client sends a tick packet when a teleport is received

False flag on Timer E

I managed to find this what I would say is a "false flag"... - How I produced this: I built upwards and continued jumping as much as I could. - Version: 1.8.9 - Proof: https://medal.tv/games/minecraft/clips/itHKp827luVGNVwDh/d13378HVTBCe?invite=cr-MSxwM3YsMjI1MTI3NzYzLA...

Saturn anticheat verison 2

the error is long so discord don't let me send the error message here so heres the link https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GQBMtC6IILZt_2rY6a0z4nScDfuBXjc0S9IzUB0m1M8/edit

Console Error after using /wave gui

After using the command /wave gui I got an Console Error - https://pastebin.com/Y8ypAcVD...
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Jesus hack

Sprinting on water while holding space with slow falling causes a trigger for Jesus hacks

N/A Client

What does this mean? I am running forge
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Punishment system, and freeze system exclusive to Storm Anti-Cheat, and more.

/storm mute <player> <duration> <reason>. it can be temporary, and permanent, for example the permanent one don't have to put in the time, and only the player, and reason. /storm freeze <player>. You can customize the message, in what it says it chat after the specific player is freezed as a message will say in the actionbar, or in the chat or the main screen, or by default it says in chat: You have been freezed by staff. or something else. Add something additional info in the /storm player command in the information being the player's ping, or having its own command /storm ping <player> so you don't have to do /storm player all the time. /storm warn <player> <reason>, when the player is warned this can be recorded in the additional command like /storm history <player> which shows the punishment history of that specific player, it can be a gui or said in chat, or logged in a file. Storm Anti-Cheat web hook integration, able to customize the messages. logs, the ACs recent punishments, or detected cheats, and staff that used the ban, kick, warn and mute commands, and show additional info: the staff's username, and the player that got banned, mutted, or kicked also the reason of their punishment. this is to prevent abuse of powers....

Storm, False flags

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zLP6NOL63sw Sprinting and jumping to get out of water false flags Speed A Sprinting and Jumping at a block to go up can false flag Speed A...