relation manager in tab
How do I insert the relation manager in my own tab?
I have tabs in the form and I want to insert the relation manager in one of these tabs.
3 Replies
@DrByte this aggregates the VIEW/Relation table together in it's own set of tabs, is it possible to insert the relation manager table into one of my own tabs or a section inside the view/form?
I don't have an authoritative answer for that. Someone else may have a more specific answer.
However, it would seem to me that whatever Filament does to make that documented situation happen, is probably something you can replicate (or hopefully just leverage) to build into some other place. Filament stitches together various components in various places, so as long as the things those components depend on are available, you can probably do it.
So ... probably worth going source-code-diving to find out! 😄