Path Forward

Hello all I’m trying to work out the best path forward. I want to rebuild my current app with filament. The app is quite large and has complex pages with tables/cards/widgets with various unrelated data and functions ( sometimes data beyond a simple model ). Secondly i want persistent data in a sidebar such as stats and custom buttons ( links with variable label ). My question is, is this all possible within a panels setup or would I be better off just adding standalone tables /forms to my existing livewire components ? Appreciate your thoughts. Thanks all.
4 Replies
David | Fortune Validator
Anyone? Do let me know if you need more info.
DrByte15mo ago
Without a bigger picture, it's hard to answer. What have you built with Filament already? How has that met these needs? and where has it not? Are you willing to change some things to accommodate the way Filament works with some things? Or do you need an almost identical clone? Sometimes a rewrite is a good time to re-think how certain things are presented, ultimately even making them better by virtue of that process.
David | Fortune Validator
I’m happy to adjust. Two main areas: 1) side panel with data shown on every page. Buttons such as pending uploads 2) pages will have widgets with various stats / button functions Ive only played about with filament so far on a side project before tackling my main one I can get some picture of an example page I have a docket/job bag page with spec of the job and lots of figures ( a bit like an invoice with multiple rows ). Submitted for to invoicing. Predicts profits and totals. Unlock buttons ( page may be restricted unless admin unlocked for edits ). Custom details. Job progress widgets. Delivery widgets. File uploads linked to the docket. Widgets with links to sub pages linked to a docket. All on currently on the same page It’s quite a package page but data that is relevant to the job in hand screenshot below screenshot ^
DrByte15mo ago
Ya, that's a pretty packed page. Thanks for explaining more of the big picture. I don't (yet) have enough experience with Filament to give advice on this.

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