Not understanding how to do nested filters with query API

I am looking to do migrate this query from prisma to drizzle
await prisma.marketplaceIntegration.findFirst({
where: {
user: { shop: { not: null } }, // this field is a nullable string type (not referencing any table)
userId: userId
await prisma.marketplaceIntegration.findFirst({
where: {
user: { shop: { not: null } }, // this field is a nullable string type (not referencing any table)
userId: userId
I found this related thread (, but it wasn't quite clear how to translate this to my query
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20 Replies
Angelelz15mo ago
skill issue lol So the RQB doesn't support filtering by nested relations You can only filter by stuff that's on your table But you can make it work with a subquery I'm not super familiar with the prisma api to help you translate, if you can show me the raw query or your attempt to make it work in drizzle, I can help you out
jakeleventhalOP15mo ago
note: the user field is just a relation with a one-to-one relationship with the marketplaceIntegration how im trying to make it work in drizzle:
await db.query.marketplaceIntegrations.findFirst({
where: and(
eq(marketplaceIntegrations.userId, userId),
await db.query.marketplaceIntegrations.findFirst({
where: and(
eq(marketplaceIntegrations.userId, userId),
english query:
find the first marketplaceIntegration that has the same user id and whose user has the shop field that is not null
Angelelz15mo ago
await db.query.marketplaceIntegrations.findFirst({
where: inArray(
.select({ id: })
.where(and(eq(, userId), isNotNull(
await db.query.marketplaceIntegrations.findFirst({
where: inArray(
.select({ id: })
.where(and(eq(, userId), isNotNull(
jakeleventhalOP15mo ago
why would you do inarray if it is a one-to-one relation
Angelelz15mo ago
inArray just translates to in when parsed into sql
jakeleventhalOP15mo ago
but couldnt eq do just the same? to compare the id to the returned id?
Angelelz15mo ago
Yeah, but the subquery might return more than one value. You can't compare with = when using a subquery This is sql syntax, not drizzle Did you test the query? Does it work, I just wrote from memory
jakeleventhalOP15mo ago
i didnt yet, just trying to understand first wouldn't the sql roughly come out to something like where marketplaceIntegrations.userId in [{id: 'asdf'}] how does the inArray know to map marketplaceIntegrations.userId to id in the returned query
Angelelz15mo ago
No, in sql it would be:
where marketplaceIntegrations.userId in (select id from users ....)
where marketplaceIntegrations.userId in (select id from users ....)
jakeleventhalOP15mo ago
i guess what im getting as is wouldnt that sub query return a table with a column name "id" and rows for each user? how does it know userId in the one table is associated with the id field of the user table? is that just determined based on the references part of my schema when defining the foreign keys? if i changed the select to .select( {asdf:} ) or even added another field like .select({ id:, name: }) would i expect this to break?
Angelelz15mo ago
The syntax in drizzle is used for mapping after the db has responded with the columns so doing this wouldn't matter: .select( {asdf:} ). asdf is the key you'll get in the response, drizzle does that mapping for you This on the other hand, will throw an error in the db .select({ id:, name: }) In this context
i guess what im getting as is wouldnt that sub query return a table with a column name "id" and rows for each user? how does it know userId in the one table is associated with the id field of the user table? is that just determined based on the references part of my schema when defining the foreign keys?
This is how sql works, I don't know how to respond to this.
jakeleventhalOP15mo ago
so sql will throw an error because youre trying to compare something 1d to a 2d subquery response
Angelelz15mo ago
I don't understand this question I guess yes?
jakeleventhalOP15mo ago
where marketplaceIntegrations.userId in (select id from users ....) marketplaceIntegrations.userId is a single value and the subquery reutrns 1 column of data. if i change to where marketplaceIntegrations.userId in (select id, name from users ....) then sql will throw an error because it cant compare userId to a 2d response since it wont know which to map to (id or name)
Angelelz15mo ago
jakeleventhalOP15mo ago
ok, copy all. thanks
Angelelz15mo ago
Do you delete the thread? I would say you should let em be, this can help somebody in the future
jakeleventhalOP15mo ago
i just click close post. i figured that doesnt delete
Angelelz15mo ago
Got you, I honestly don't know how discord word too much
jakeleventhalOP15mo ago
me neither. but i just closed the post again and searched. verified it shows up

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