Method not allowed in TenantProfile page
Select::configureUsing(function (Select $select): void {
->searchable(fn (?Model $model): bool => (bool) $model)
The error comes from searchable() configuration in AppServiceProvider.php
8 Replies
Shouldn't it be
Model $record
instead of Model $model
Filament's resolutions use the variable name, not the typehint. it should be $record
Did that solve the error?
It did not, the error came from searchable() not from injection.
Removing your closure from
works fine for my app, on the form in any Resource page.It is working in Resources and Pages.
So, what's your goal/objective? What are you trying to accomplish? What's the business-problem you're trying to solve?
Method not allowed in TenantProfile page. The error is from tenant profile page, the others are fine.