Drizzle query with where clause and primary composite key

Hello, I have defined a composite key and am now trying to run a drizzle query to lookup the event where that key exists. I have defined the following query, is this the fastest way to go about doing this lookup? Thanks! Drizzle Schema Table:
export const scans = pgTable(
createdAt: timestamp("created_at").notNull().defaultNow(),
userID: varchar("user_id", { length: 255 }).notNull(),
eventID: integer("event_id").notNull(),
count: integer("count").notNull(),
(table) => ({
id: primaryKey({ columns: [table.userID, table.eventID] }),
export const scans = pgTable(
createdAt: timestamp("created_at").notNull().defaultNow(),
userID: varchar("user_id", { length: 255 }).notNull(),
eventID: integer("event_id").notNull(),
count: integer("count").notNull(),
(table) => ({
id: primaryKey({ columns: [table.userID, table.eventID] }),
const scan = await db.query.scans.findFirst({
where: and(eq(scans.eventID, eventID), eq(scans.userID, userID)),
const scan = await db.query.scans.findFirst({
where: and(eq(scans.eventID, eventID), eq(scans.userID, userID)),
Thanks for the help!
1 Reply
Angelelz15mo ago
This looks good to me

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