Creating a more ordered admin panel
Hi, I've been working on an application that extensively uses Filament for about a year or so. At first v2, but I recently switched to v3. The application uses 54 tables and in total 34 menu entries. I ordered them, but the submenus are too long for practical use. I have two options I wanted to consider for my admin resource (10 items) but I'm not sure what the most practical is:
1. make use of a second menu bar inside the pages for each resource e.g.
2. make use of tabs that per tab show the CRUD actions for the resources
Any advice would be appreciated. I am playing with the plugin mentioned in #1, but I don't know how to hide the resources from the main menu though.
TIA!4 Replies
Are you wanting something like this SubNavigation, from the Filament Demo?
demo/app/Filament/Resources/Blog/PostResource.php at 964d38a387a2e3...
Source code for the website. Contribute to filamentphp/demo development by creating an account on GitHub.
@DrByte that would be a good solution. However, I would have to be able to hide the resource from the main menu. I have not yet found a way to do that.
And/or custom nav builder, eg: so much @DrByte