C#13mo ago

Processing video elements on page

Is it possible to capture images of a running video element on a page to then process in C#? I've been researching for a while, but to no avail.
5 Replies
sidekick?OP13mo ago
Angius13mo ago
What "page"? What "images", individual frames?
sidekick?OP13mo ago
Any page really. But in this case, we could use stream sites like Twitch as an example. Yes, capturing frames from the video (stream) and use them to process and collect information about the stream, information such as bitrate and potential frame loss.
Angius13mo ago
Well, you will need to get that stream first, which I can't imagine being easy Also, it would most probably work better as a browser plugin Kinda hard to get Twitch stream into a 3rd party application
sidekick?OP13mo ago
I need to see if it's possible getting the raw stream then. I believe there is a website able to do this through PHP.

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