Property 'employees' does not exist on type 'DrizzleTypeError<"Seems like the schema generic is miss

I am getting an error trying to do a findmany on a table. Property 'employees' does not exist on type 'DrizzleTypeError<"Seems like the schema generic is missing - did you forget to add it to your DB type?">' Not sure what I have misconfigured. Here is the query: import { MySql2Database } from "drizzle-orm/mysql2"; import {employees, employee_strength, strengths} from "@/models/database" export async function GET(req: Request, res: NextApiResponse) {
const result = await db.query.employees.findMany({. <---- Employees is flagged as an error where: eq(, 11), ..... Here is the employees table in the file /models/database. There are not errors arising here. export const employees = mysqlTable("employees", { id: serial("id").notNull().primaryKey().references((): AnyMySqlColumn => employee_strength.employee_id), first_name: varchar("first_name", { length: 255 }), last_name: varchar("last_name", { length: 255 }), email: varchar("email", { length: 255 }), job_title: varchar("job_title", { length: 255 }), department_id: bigint("department_id", { mode: "number" }), organization_id: bigint("organization_id", { mode: "number" }), created_at: timestamp("created_at", { mode: "date", fsp: 6 }), updated_at: timestamp("updated_at", { mode: "date", fsp: 6 }), deleted_at: timestamp("deleted_at", { mode: "date", fsp: 6 }), }); Here is the config: import { drizzle } from "drizzle-orm/mysql2"; import mysql from "mysql2/promise"; import * as schema from '@/models/database'; import { int, serial, text, varchar, bigint, timestamp, mysqlTable, } from "drizzle-orm/mysql-core"; const poolConnection = mysql.createPool({ host: "", user: "root", database: "partner2learn", }); export const db = drizzle(poolConnection); Thanks in advance for insight!
1 Reply
DonOP15mo ago
Think I resolved... changed the pool config to: export const db = drizzle(poolConnection, {schema: { ...schema}, mode:"default"} ); seems to have resolved the error... now on to the next ...

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