Can't connect to database over SSH
I have a server which has mysql installed. i have a key to ssh to it. it works. but now i wanna access the databases it has over ssh but i get error (see 2nd image). how should i connect?
all passwords are fine and the ssh key works

3 Replies
correct me if im wrong please:
1 - should i put ??
2- the database port
3- is the database user i guess, yeah is root
4- the database user password
5- my server ip
6- the ssh port?
7- the linux user
8-the linux password
9- the ssh key

Ask you server provider, this hase nothing to do with filament and i dont know if any one can give you the right answer.
We dont know your server configuration and therefore it is possible that access to database is block on server or port is blocked by server. so many configurations can be different.
thanks for the help anyways (: