Student - Can't run program frontend
Hi everyone, For my study I need to run a small game and find, report and write an essay about the bugs. I'm not really a programmer of any kind, I am better at writing the reports than getting a program to work.
I got the backend to work but not the frontend.
To setup the frontend I got this as explenation:
- Run "npm install" inside the folder "frontend" and after that run "npm run serve"
To execute the tests:
- Run "npm run tests"
It's probably very easy to do, but I don't understand it.
(I got a newer MacBook without an intel chip and got the backend to work in rider)
17 Replies
you open a terminal and navigate into that directory and run those commands
How do I run the commands can I just paste them or do I need a dot or simething else like: .npm install
Because I tried those 2 things but nothing happend

just type them in a terminal and press enter

Do you have npm installed?
I think I might not have done that
If it says
command not found: npm
then you very likely don't
Is that in a regular terminal?
I also tried to open the frontend in visiual studio code because a classmate of mine recommended it.

Is it easy to install npm?
Node.js® is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.
Thank you! now it works
I often find it difficult to ask for help, but I can't get this to work as well.
If I try and run "npm run build" I get this error.
This the explanation of the assignment:
Run "npm run build" to create a production distribution. Use node 16 for this. Switching between different versions of npm can be easily done with nvm.
I think I installed nvm, but I don't know how to switch to node 16.

That sounds like an issue best solved by nvms documentation, not a C# discord.
You can, usually, use a
, --help
, or -?
flag for a command to display help
So, chances are, nvm -h
will show you all the things you can do with nvm
Among them, should be something that allows you to install a new Node version
And one that will let you switch to said version'
For example, nvm add 16
and nvm use 16