"No Such Column" Error

I'm using TypeScript, DrizzleORM, and SQLite (better-sqlite-3)
export function searchTodosAndShares(listIDs: string[]) {
if (listIDs.length === 0) return { shareMeta: [], todoMeta: [] }

const shareStatementQuery = db
id: share.id,
rowVersion: share.rowVersion,
type: sql<string>`share`,
.innerJoin(list, eq(share.listID, list.id))
.where(inArray(list.id, listIDs))

const todoStatementQuery = db
id: item.id,
rowVersion: item.rowVersion,
type: sql<string>`todo`,
.where(inArray(list.id, listIDs))

const sharesAndTodos = unionAll(

const result: {
shareMeta: { id: string; rowVersion: number; }[],
todoMeta: { id: string; rowVersion: number; }[] } = {
shareMeta: [],
todoMeta: [],

sharesAndTodos.forEach((row) => {
const { id, rowVersion, type } = row
result[type as 'shareMeta' | 'todoMeta'].push({ id, rowVersion })

return result
export function searchTodosAndShares(listIDs: string[]) {
if (listIDs.length === 0) return { shareMeta: [], todoMeta: [] }

const shareStatementQuery = db
id: share.id,
rowVersion: share.rowVersion,
type: sql<string>`share`,
.innerJoin(list, eq(share.listID, list.id))
.where(inArray(list.id, listIDs))

const todoStatementQuery = db
id: item.id,
rowVersion: item.rowVersion,
type: sql<string>`todo`,
.where(inArray(list.id, listIDs))

const sharesAndTodos = unionAll(

const result: {
shareMeta: { id: string; rowVersion: number; }[],
todoMeta: { id: string; rowVersion: number; }[] } = {
shareMeta: [],
todoMeta: [],

sharesAndTodos.forEach((row) => {
const { id, rowVersion, type } = row
result[type as 'shareMeta' | 'todoMeta'].push({ id, rowVersion })

return result
How come I get error of no such column: share or no such column: todo? Thanks in advance for the help 🙂 🙏
12 Replies
Mykhailo14mo ago
Hello @christrading! Could you please provide your schema code? This error occurs when you don't have these columns in your schema.
Angelelz14mo ago
Your typescript schema might not be in sync with your database You didn't forget to push or migrate?
christradingOP14mo ago
This is my drizzle/schema.ts file
import type { InferSelectModel, InferInsertModel } from 'drizzle-orm'
import {
sqliteTable, text, integer, blob,
} from 'drizzle-orm/sqlite-core'

export const replicacheMeta = sqliteTable('replicache_meta', {
key: text('key').primaryKey(),
value: blob('value', { mode: 'json' }),

export type ReplicacheMeta = InferSelectModel<typeof replicacheMeta>
export type InsertReplicacheMeta = InferInsertModel<typeof replicacheMeta>

// Stores last mutationID processed for each Replicache client.
export const replicacheClient = sqliteTable('replicache_client', {
id: text('id').primaryKey().notNull(),
clientGroupID: text('client_group_id').notNull(),
lastMutationID: integer('last_mutation_id').notNull(),
clientVersion: integer('version').notNull(),
lastModified: integer('last_modified', { mode: 'timestamp_ms' }).notNull(),

export type ReplicacheClient = InferSelectModel<typeof replicacheClient>
export type InsertReplicacheClient = InferInsertModel<typeof replicacheClient>

// cvrversion is null until first pull initializes it.
export const replicacheClientGroup = sqliteTable('replicache_client_group', {
id: text('id').primaryKey().notNull(),
cvrVersion: integer('cvr_version'),
clientGroupVersion: integer('client_group_version').notNull(),
lastModified: integer('last_modified', { mode: 'timestamp_ms' }).notNull(),

export type ReplicacheClientGroup = InferSelectModel<typeof replicacheClientGroup>
export type InsertReplicacheClientGroup = InferInsertModel<typeof replicacheClientGroup>
import type { InferSelectModel, InferInsertModel } from 'drizzle-orm'
import {
sqliteTable, text, integer, blob,
} from 'drizzle-orm/sqlite-core'

export const replicacheMeta = sqliteTable('replicache_meta', {
key: text('key').primaryKey(),
value: blob('value', { mode: 'json' }),

export type ReplicacheMeta = InferSelectModel<typeof replicacheMeta>
export type InsertReplicacheMeta = InferInsertModel<typeof replicacheMeta>

// Stores last mutationID processed for each Replicache client.
export const replicacheClient = sqliteTable('replicache_client', {
id: text('id').primaryKey().notNull(),
clientGroupID: text('client_group_id').notNull(),
lastMutationID: integer('last_mutation_id').notNull(),
clientVersion: integer('version').notNull(),
lastModified: integer('last_modified', { mode: 'timestamp_ms' }).notNull(),

export type ReplicacheClient = InferSelectModel<typeof replicacheClient>
export type InsertReplicacheClient = InferInsertModel<typeof replicacheClient>

// cvrversion is null until first pull initializes it.
export const replicacheClientGroup = sqliteTable('replicache_client_group', {
id: text('id').primaryKey().notNull(),
cvrVersion: integer('cvr_version'),
clientGroupVersion: integer('client_group_version').notNull(),
lastModified: integer('last_modified', { mode: 'timestamp_ms' }).notNull(),

export type ReplicacheClientGroup = InferSelectModel<typeof replicacheClientGroup>
export type InsertReplicacheClientGroup = InferInsertModel<typeof replicacheClientGroup>
// Application domain entities

export const list = sqliteTable('list', {
id: text('id').primaryKey().notNull(),
ownerID: text('owner_id').notNull(),
name: text('name').notNull(),
rowVersion: integer('row_version').notNull(),
lastModified: integer('last_modified', { mode: 'timestamp_ms' }).notNull(),

export type List = InferSelectModel<typeof list>
export type InsertList = InferInsertModel<typeof list>

export const share = sqliteTable('share', {
id: text('id').primaryKey().notNull(),
listID: text('list_id').notNull(),
userID: text('user_id').notNull(),
rowVersion: integer('row_version').notNull(),
lastModified: integer('last_modified', { mode: 'timestamp_ms' }).notNull(),

export type Share = InferSelectModel<typeof share>
export type InsertShare = InferInsertModel<typeof share>

export const item = sqliteTable('item', {
id: text('id').primaryKey().notNull(),
listID: text('list_id').notNull(),
title: text('title').notNull(),
complete: integer('complete', { mode: 'boolean' }).notNull(),
ord: integer('ord').notNull(),
rowVersion: integer('row_version').notNull(),
lastModified: integer('last_modified', { mode: 'timestamp_ms' }).notNull(),

export type Item = InferSelectModel<typeof item>
export type InsertItem = InferInsertModel<typeof item>
// Application domain entities

export const list = sqliteTable('list', {
id: text('id').primaryKey().notNull(),
ownerID: text('owner_id').notNull(),
name: text('name').notNull(),
rowVersion: integer('row_version').notNull(),
lastModified: integer('last_modified', { mode: 'timestamp_ms' }).notNull(),

export type List = InferSelectModel<typeof list>
export type InsertList = InferInsertModel<typeof list>

export const share = sqliteTable('share', {
id: text('id').primaryKey().notNull(),
listID: text('list_id').notNull(),
userID: text('user_id').notNull(),
rowVersion: integer('row_version').notNull(),
lastModified: integer('last_modified', { mode: 'timestamp_ms' }).notNull(),

export type Share = InferSelectModel<typeof share>
export type InsertShare = InferInsertModel<typeof share>

export const item = sqliteTable('item', {
id: text('id').primaryKey().notNull(),
listID: text('list_id').notNull(),
title: text('title').notNull(),
complete: integer('complete', { mode: 'boolean' }).notNull(),
ord: integer('ord').notNull(),
rowVersion: integer('row_version').notNull(),
lastModified: integer('last_modified', { mode: 'timestamp_ms' }).notNull(),

export type Item = InferSelectModel<typeof item>
export type InsertItem = InferInsertModel<typeof item>
christradingOP14mo ago
Drizzle Studio shows that I have these tables created
No description
Angelelz14mo ago
Dirzzle studio is based on your schema in typescript You could run raw queries to see what's on your tables
Mykhailo14mo ago
Perhaps I am mistaken, but in the select statement, you are specifying the column share from the share table. But you don't have such a column. The same goes for todo
Angelelz14mo ago
Oh yeah, you're right @solo , Are you trying to select a constant or a column??
christradingOP14mo ago
I am trying to select the columns id and rowVersion from the share table and adding a column to the select result of key type value share. And then similarly for the todo table. This is so I can distinguish the returned select results between the share and todo tables I am adding the column to the return result in the way that Dan Kochetov suggested https://discord.com/channels/1043890932593987624/1043890932593987627/1172440868544860192
Angelelz14mo ago
I think that for SQLite you need to wrap the string in double quotes " or single quotes ', you'll have to test
const shareStatementQuery = db
id: share.id,
rowVersion: share.rowVersion,
type: sql<string>`"share"`,
.innerJoin(list, eq(share.listID, list.id))
.where(inArray(list.id, listIDs))
const shareStatementQuery = db
id: share.id,
rowVersion: share.rowVersion,
type: sql<string>`"share"`,
.innerJoin(list, eq(share.listID, list.id))
.where(inArray(list.id, listIDs))
I don't have a way to test right now but I believe that should work. Or the single quotes
christradingOP14mo ago
Ah, yes. Wrapping the string with single-quotes on the inside worked
No description
christradingOP14mo ago
🙂 🙏 Thank you, Solo and Angelez! This wasn't explicit in the documentation (among a number of other things I've worked through figuring out). Or is there another source of docs that I'm not aware of? Are the docs able to be expanded to explain a bit more comprehensively? Is it open to open-source contributions?
Angelelz14mo ago
The team is working on updating the docs and guides, yes

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