Help with filament table too slow
Hello filament community, I deploy my project to production (1GB RAM). My items page too slow include pagination and filter action. My data is only about 50 records but still lagging. I check debugbar queries take about 150ms. I also try fastPagination package and simplePagination but nothing change. Other page i use livewire custom page work well.
I found this error always appear when lagging
Here is my screen recap:
Can anyone help me?

10 Replies
When lagging, i found that nothing change in my url. Example, when next to page 2 if work, but still keep when lagging. If i enter url, it work well.
What is the total request and render time.? What is slow? The human brain can’t even perceive anything less the 200ms.
i mean total request duration take about 150ms. That's shown in debugbar. I dont know what make slow, u can see on video that screen don't change when i next to page 2, 3,.. or change list items per page.
I mean, 150ms is totally acceptable to me. And all I see in your video is a modal opening and closing, so that doesn’t give me any insight to what you are saying the problem is.
sorry for misunderstanding video, i try to create other clear video
U can see on video that when i change list items per page to 10, debugbar ran but nothing change on view list. I need to refresh to view list (not in video).
I found that error appears

Debugbar is probably the culprit
check this video out might solve your problem
Filament Daily
Filament is Slow? Check Laravel Debugbar.
If you notice that some dynamic elements in Filament are loading slowly, I have a tip for you.
@Hussain4real @SD9410 originally I did not have debugbar installed and only installed it later to help diagnose the problem make slowness.
i view response from error livewire/update, i found that json response is not valid .